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IUCN Supports Indigenous Peoples Membership 21 September 12

IUCN logo The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) unanimously passed a motion to establish an Indigenous Peoples' Organization membership and voting category at the 5th World Conservation Congress on the South Korean island of Jeju held September 6-15, 2012.

"The passage of this motion is an important step in acknowledging the role indigenous peoples play in conservation. This is a victory for the world's Indigenous cultures and for our unique knowledge of the natural world," said Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami President Terry Audla.

The motion was co-sponsored by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (Canada's National Inuit Organization), Inuit Circumpolar Council (a multinational non-governmental Indigenous Peoples' Organization representing the 160,000 Inuit in the arctic areas of Canada, U.S.A., Denmark and Russia), along with a contingent of South American and African organizations.

"Indigenous peoples have historically been grossly underrepresented in world forums such as these. Governments and conservation groups now have to make room for us at the table, in this new climate of inclusion," said Vernon Amos, of Sachs Harbour, a hamlet located in the Inuvik Region of the Northwest Territories, Canada.

IUCN is the world's largest environmental network. The World Conservation Congress, held every four years, is its highest decision-making body.

View September 14, 2012 Motion to Establish an Indigenous Peoples' Organization (IPO) membership and voting category in IUCN (PDF)
View September 14, 2012 Nunatsiaq Online coverage
View Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami IUCN World Conservation Congress coverage
View International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Conservation Congress website
View IUCN/Conservation International/WWF powerpoint presentation (PDF)
Source: Nunatsiaq Online
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