Manitoba Wildlands  
Revised Taseko EIS Submitted 21 September 12

fish lake Taseko Mines Ltd. announced it has formally submitted an environmental impact statement (EIS) September 20, 2012 for the revised Prosperity project in B.C. The EIS materials are not yet publicly available through the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) online registry.

Taseko is looking to build an open pit gold-copper mine approximately 125 kilometres southwest of Williams Lake, B.C.

The previously proposed mine was approved by the B.C. government, but then rejected after a federal government environmental review in 2010. The previous plan would have drained Fish Lake and put a tailings storage facility nearby.

The nearby Tsilhqot'in First Nation Government has strongly opposed Taseko's gold and copper mine project, saying the development will kill Fish Lake, preventing access to a place of spiritual importance.

The company was ordered to rewrite the environmental impact statement earlier this year after the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency concluded a draft was riddled with gaps, deficiencies and missing information.

The revised proposal retains Fish Lake and shifts a tailings facility 2 kilometres upstream. When the pit is at its biggest, the edge would be about 500 metres from Fish Lake.

Ottawa announced that the revised mine plan would be assessed by a federal review panel in November 2011. The panel issued a call for submissions for public comments, and applications for interested party status during the hearings on September 14, 2012. Comments and application are due by September 28, 2012. A date for the hearings has not yet been set.

View CEAA New Prosperity Gold-Copper Mine Project Reference #63928
View September 21, 2012 CBC/Canadian Press coverage
View September 21, 2012 Vancouver Sun coverage
View September 20, 2012 Globe and Mail coverage
View September 20, 2012 Taseko Mines press release
View September 14, 2012 CEAA Invitation for Public Comments on Public Hearing Procedures, Comment on the Confidentiality Procedures and Applications for Interested Party Status
View September 13, 2012 MiningWatch Canada press release
View Manitoba Wildlands coverage:
Sources: CBC/Canadian Press
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