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Google Tops Cool IT List 5 October 12

Greenpeace has declared Google to be the Greenest IT company on the block. Google has invested $915 Million and counting in renewables, coupled with its advocacy and disclosure of its own energy footprint putting it ahead of other giants like Amazon and Apple.

The Greenpeace Energy [R]evolution campaign goal is for renewables to meet 95% of the world's energy needs by the year 2050. With IT companies using larger and larger amounts of energy to support social media and network infrastructure, it is sound logic to address the energy usage of these companies the way Greenpeace does with it's Cool IT List.

Google recently purchased forty-eight megawatts of wind generated electricity to power its Oklahoma data centre. Apple plans to build a massive solar farm to supply energy to its Maiden, North Carolina data centre. Facebook's stating it will prioritize renewables whenever possible.

These trends can only promote a shift to renewables driving the future global economy.

View Greenpeace Campaign: Energy [R]evolution: A Sustainable Energy Outlook for the USA
View September 26, 2012 Greenpeace blog post
View April 17, 2012 Bloomberg article
View February 9, 2012 Smart Planet article
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