Manitoba Wildlands  
Thousands Defend Coast from Pipelines 26 October 12

Approximately 4,500 people from across Canada and all walks of life gathered in front of British Columbia's Legislature in Victoria on October 22, 2012 to defend Canada's west coast from the proposed Enbridge and Kinder Morgan pipelines and tar sands tankers.

"As Indigenous peoples, we have an obligation to protect our territories for future generations. The vast majority of our peoples do not support the Northern Gateway Pipeline proposal," said BC Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief Jody Wilson-Raybould.

The proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline would carry diluted bitumen from the tar sands of northern Alberta to a proposed tanker port at Kitimat on the central British Columbia (BC) coast. The pipeline will traverse remote, highly valued areas of BC, crossing almost 800 streams, putting valuable environments and species, such as salmon, at risk.

Kinder Morgan has proposed a $4.1-billion Trans Mountain project that would expand an existing pipeline from Alberta to Vancouver and bring daily tankers through the already busy Vancouver Harbour.

"Our lands and waters are not for sale, full stop," said Chief Jackie Thomas of Saik'uz First Nation. "That is why we are here today standing in solidarity with our allies."

Organizations supporting Defend Our Coast events include Indigenous Environment Network, the Yinka Dene Alliance and Coastal First Nations; Council of Canadians, Tanker Free BC, Greenpeace Canada and Occupy Vancouver Environmental Justice; and unions like Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union, Canadian Auto Workers, the BC Teacher's Federation, Canadian Union of Public Employees-BC and United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union-CAW.

"Canada's iconic coast is far too valuable to risk on tar sands pipelines and tankers and we pledge to defend it," said Maude Barlow, chairperson of the Council of Canadians, a national advocacy group.

"We want long-term green jobs that will take us beyond fossil fuels, not short-term high risk pipelines," said Susan Spratt, Western Regional Director of the Canadian Auto Workers.

View Defend Our Coast website
View October 24, 2012, October 22, 2012, and October 18, 2012 CBC News coverage
View October 22, 2012 Environmental News Service
View October 22, 2012 Yinka Dene Alliancce press release
View October 22, 2012 BC Regional Chief Statement on Indigenous Peoples Issues and Resources
View October 22, 2012 Greenpeace Feature Story
View October 22, 2012 Globe and Mail Op-ed by David Suzuki and Art Sterritt
Sources: Environmental News Service, Yinka Dene Alliance
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