Manitoba Wildlands  
First Nations Challenge Omnibus Budget Bills 18 January 13

On January 8, 2013 the Mikisew Cree joined forces with Frog Lake First Nation and filed papers in the federal court in Ottawa for an application for a judicial review of 2012 omnibus Bills C-38 and C-45, alleging the federal government failed to meet its constitutional duty to consult.

This latest legal challenge follows widespread controversy when Bill C-38 was rammed through Parliament in spring 2012. It re-wrote the federal environmental assessment law, weakened protection for fish and species at risk and gave the public less say in major industrial projects like new tar sands pipelines.

Then Bill C-45 landed in winter 2012. It includes new legislation regarding the leasing of reserve lands, First Nations education, on-reserve voting rights, the abolishment of the Navigable Waters Protection Act, and other measure to further weaken environmental protection.

"(Canadians) should be with us in support and send a message to Stephen Harper and his government that what they're doing is wrong. They can't ram bills down our throats and expect us to roll over and accept it because this is going to affect our future, affect the future of Canada," said Mikisew Chief Steve Courtoreille.

"We believe that all Canadians care, just as we do, about protecting our environment and respecting First Nations treaty rights... At the end of the day, we will not sacrifice our treaty rights and the environment for the almighty dollar. There has to be balance," said Chief Clifford Stanley of Frog Lake First Nation.

Robert Janes, counsel for the two First Nations, says the government should have consulted with First Nations as soon as work began on the legislation. Janes expects that First Nations across the country will apply for intervener status.

View January 14, 2013 Alberta Sweet Grass, Vol. 20, Issue 2 coverage
View January 11, 2013 Environmental Defence coverage
View January 8, 2013 Globe and Mail coverage
View January 7, 2013 Edmonton Journal coverage
View Federal Court Index and Docket for Chief Steve Courtoreille Et All v. The Governor General In Council Et All
View January 3, 2013 Olthuis Kleer Towshend LLP blog post
View December 20, 2012 Olthuis Kleer Towshend LLP report
View December 14, 2012 Mikisew Cree First Nation press release
View Mikisew Cree First Nation website
View Frog Lake First Nation website
Sources: Alberta Sweet Grass, Environmental Defence, Mikisew
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