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Aboriginal Rights Vote in Parliament Unanimous 8 February 13

Canada's Members of Parliament (MP) unanimously supported a motion to respect Aboriginal rights, implement treaties, require consultations, and make improved economic outcomes for Aboriginal Peoples a central focus of the new federal budget.

NDP MP, and Opposition critic for aboriginal affairs, Jean Crowder, tabled the motion on January 31, 2013. The motion stated:

"That the House, recognizing the broad-based demand for action, call on the government to make the improvement of economic outcomes of First Nations, Inuit and Métis a central focus of Budget 2013, and to commit to action on treaty implementation and full and meaningful consultation on legislation that affects the rights of Aboriginal Canadians, as required by domestic and international law."

The motion was debated in the House of Commons for several hours on January 31, 2013, and passed with all party support 5 February 2013. It arose from the NDP and Liberal party support for the declaration the executive of the Assembly of First Nations passed in late January that outlines expected actions by the government of Canada. The declaration was issued at a point when Idle No More events across Canada brought attention to the failure to consult on recent laws inside Bill C-45 which affect aboriginal rights, and environmental protection across Canada.

"The Assembly of First Nations welcomes the focus and attention that Parliamentarians are showing ... as First Nations continue to seek fundamental and transformative change in our relationship with Canada and Canadians, to fulfill the Treaties and respect title and inherent rights as a basis for ensuring a better today and future for our children, our families and our economies. I urge the Government of Canada to provide tangible investments and movement on its commitments to First Nations in Budget 2013," said Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn Atleo.

View February 7, 2013 Assembly of First Nations press release
View February 5, 2013 MP Jean Crowder press release
View February 5, 2013 House of Commons Debates
View January 31, 2013 House of Commons Debates
Sources: Assembly of First Nations, Parliament of Canada
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