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Tens of Thousands Rally For Climate Action 22 February 13

Organisers estimated close to 50,000 protesters marched on Washington D.C. February 17, in what is being called the largest climate action protest in U.S. history. A Who's Who of climate action organizations were present from to Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, various Sierra Club chapters, Forest Ethics, and Climate Action Network Canada, just to name a few.

"We have a very entrenched system that's going to really require us to work together for a vision of people, peace, and the planet," the Green Party's Jill Stein said in an interview. "We are here for the long haul." Protesters were bussed in from 30 states and Canadian provinces. Marchers held aloft banners proclaiming "Don't be fossil fools" and "It's time to cut carbon" during the rally.

"Today was one of the best days of my life, because I saw the movement come together finally, big and diverse and gorgeous," President Bill McKibben tweeted after speaking at the rally. Wednesday prior to the rally, 48 prominent climate activists including actress Darryl Hannah, Bill McKibben, civil rights leader Julian Bond and environmental lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. were arrested after they chained themselves to the section of the fence surrounding the White House.

Watch February 22, 2013 Forward on Climate Rally video video
View February 19, 2013 Common Dreams article
View February 18, 2013 Grist article
View February 17, 2013 Los Angeles Times article
View February 17, 2013 Huffington Post article
View February 17, 2013 The Nation article
View February 17, 2013 The Guardian article
View February 13, 2013 CTV News article
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014