Manitoba Wildlands  
Fossil Fools Day - March 27, 2013 9 March 13

What do you call an industry that is planning to cook the planet? An industry responsible for destroying land, polluting the air and water, and violating the rights of people around the world? An industry who's business model means burning over three times the amount of carbon our planetary carbon budget can handle?

They are Fossil Fools, and on March 27th we're declaring Fossil Fools Day. A national day of student action across Canada, we're going to take aim at the Fossil Fools on our campuses. We'll follow it up on April 1st with a special April Fools online action to send a message to the Fossil Fools!

Already nearly a dozen fossil fuels divestment campaigns have started up on campuses across the country, with more ready to launch in the coming weeks. March 27th will be a chance for us all to stand together as one and show Canada and the world the rising student power to take on climate injustice. This has the chance to be the largest student day of action on climate in Canada's history! For some campuses this will be the launch of their divestment campaigns, for others a chance to escalate, and educate their fellow students about the Fossil Fools they are investing in and supporting.

Fossil Fools is a partnership between and the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition.

View Fossil Free Canada website
View Fossil Free Canada Divestment Toolkit web page
View Fossil Free Canada Campaigns web page
View We Are Power Shift web site
View April 2, 2012 Blue & Green Tomorrow article
View Fossil Free Canada Facebook page
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014