Manitoba Wildlands  
HudBay Injuction Against Mathias Colomb Cree Nation 22 March 13

Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Ltd (Hudbay) has been granted a court injunction to keep the Mathias Colomb Cree Nation (MCCN) from holding more protests at its mining project in northern Manitoba. The injunction was granted after MCCN issued two stop work order to the mining company and organized demonstrations outside the mine location at Lalor Lake.

HudBay claimed protesters from First Nation created a safety risk to employees by blocking the entrance to its Lalor Lake gold, zinc and copper property, which is being developed near Snow Lake, Man. Protesters from the demonstrations state it was HudBay who closed its gate and at no time did they obstruct the entrance to the property.

MCCN maintains the proposed Lalor Lake project is on unceded territory and HudBay did not obtain consent to extract resources. HudBay claims MCCN Chief Dumas and others have caused economic loss to the company as well as "irreparable harm" from loss of productivity and added safety risk to its employees.

In a release after the hearing granting HudBay the injunction on March 20, Dumas said the First Nation's lawyer "was not permitted to finish any of his arguments, was constantly interrupted and not permitted reasonable time to review surprise affidavits filed by HudBay lawyers." Dumas continued, "The judge made most of HudBay's arguments for them and allowed their lawyer uninterrupted presentation time. MCCN never surrendered its rights to the land and resources. "

Chief Dumas accuses the province and HudBay of not consulting the First Nation or seeking consent to mine in what he says is its traditional territory. The injunction prevents Dumas, members of the First Nation and Idle No More activist Pamela Palmater from entering the mine site.

View March 21, 2013 Winnipeg Free Press article
View March 18, 2013 Idle No More Manitoba blog post
View March 18, 2013 Winnipeg Free Press article
View March 18, 2013 CBC News article
View March 8, 2013 Thompson Citizen article
View January 28, 2013 CBC News article
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