Manitoba Wildlands  
Greenland's Prime Minister Halts Oil Exploration 19 April 13

The March 2013 Greenland election, triggered by lack of public information about mining, oil drilling, and oil spill response plans, resulted in a coalition government with Greenland's first woman prime minister. The election campaign included issues like resource extraction, uranium mining, how permits are issued, climate change and concern for arctic waters.

Aleqa Hammond, who was educated in Canada, and brought up with traditional skills such as curing seal skins, indicated she would take a more critical look at Chinese mining investments in Greenland. She also pledged to increase royalties on miners and ensure they talked through staffing plans with trade unions.

Her government has put a moratorium on any new oil drilling permits in Greenland's waters and lands. Greenland is a member of the Arctic Council, which Canada chairs for 2013.

View April 15, 2013 White Wolf Pack article
View March 27, 2013 Voice of America article
View March 15, 2013 The Guardian article
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014