Manitoba Wildlands  
Manitoba Fails to Consult About New Mines 26 April 13

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak and Southern Chiefs' Organization joined forces to combat Manitoba's failure to fulfill their legal duty to consult, accommodate and obtain the full, informed and prior consent of First Nations prior to issuing work permits, mining licenses and other authorizations to companies in First Nation traditional territories. The province is skirting the legal duty to consult and obtain consent from the First Nations before issuing leases and licenses.

On many occasions the province has issued permits, licenses and other land dispositions which constitute a breach of constitutionally protected Aboriginal and Treaty rights. Due to mounting frustration, First Nations in Manitoba will stop the provincial blockade against their traditional economies by declaring moratoriums on resource development on their traditional territories. First Nation "Stop Work Orders" on mine development are now being posted and will be enforced.

On Friday, April 26, 2013 a dozen Manitoba Chiefs held a press conference at the Manitoba Mines Branch Winnipeg Offices. Each spoke about the need to protect lands, waters, and Aboriginal rights.

View April 26, 2013 Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak and Southern Chiefs Organization press release
View April 24, 2013 The Council of Canadians and Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak press release
View April 5, 2013 CBC News article
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014