Manitoba Wildlands  
Need for Alternatives Review of Hydro Projects Announced 26 April 13

The Manitoba Public Utilities Board (PUB) will conduct a public review of the need for, and alternatives (NFAAT) to Manitoba Hydro's development plan and projects that include the Keeyask generation station, Conawapa generation station, various transmission projects, energy export agreements, and a new interconnection with the US, for the export of energy.

The April 24 release of terms of reference, and standards for the review was preceded by: a January 2011 formal directive from the former deputy premier of Manitoba, and the November 2012 announcement the review will in fact be conducted, and several confirmations from the Manitoba government along the way. The Bipole III 500 kv dc transmission project is not part of this review.

With a due date of June 2014 for the PUB report on the matter, for cabinet consideration, a variety of technical reviews, public hearings, and exchanges of information between the PUB and Manitoba Hydro will fill the next year.

The PUB will be announcing the public participation process soon. A panel of five has been appointed. The PUB will also contract experts to assist in this review.

The terms of reference for this review and hearings include standards for use of and discussion of commercially sensitive information.

Environmental assessments, reviews, and potential licensing are not part of this review, including with respect to new transmission, and new generation. The last time a NFAT review was conducted in Manitoba the Wuskwatim generation station and transmission system was reviewed through Manitoba's Clean Environment Commision, in 2004.

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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014