Manitoba Wildlands  
Mulcair Says Enbridge 9B Pipeline Reversal Unsafe 17 May 13

Federal NDP leader Thomas Mulcair came out against Enbridge's controversial 9B pipeline reversal, at a forum in Repentigny, Quebec, citing a lack of trust in the environmental regulation system. Line 9 is an aging oil pipeline and runs through some of the most densely populated parts of Canada. The 38-year-old pipeline carries conventional oil and runs across Ontario and Quebec.

"It's a technical question. Normally, when you have a credible environmental regulation system, this kind of thing can be observed, but there is no system of environmental regulation in Canada, with Stephen Harper. So, people have to say 'no' to this, because you absolutely cannot trust them to produce a result that is safe for the environment." Mulcair said in an interview.

Enbridge has applied to the National Energy Board to change Line 9's flow direction, so it can carry western oil eastward. It also wants to boost the flow to 300,000 barrels a day of either conventional crude or diluted bitumen (called dilbit) from the Alberta oilsands.

Environmentalists have decried the federal government's scaling back of environmental regulation. Environmental Defence and Greenpeace Canada argue that "the application is very difficult to find online" and "the basis on which participants will be rejected or accepted is unclear."

View May 16, 2013 Vancouver Observer article
View May 14, 2013 Vancouver Observer article
View May 14, 2013 CBC article
View April 15, 2013 Huffington Post article
View July 11, 2012 The Financial Post article
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