Manitoba Wildlands  
Beaver Lake Cree Court Victory 31 May 13

Beaver Lake Cree Nation First Nation from Alberta has won a court victory in its fight against expanded oil sands development near traditional territories and hunting grounds. A government appeal attempting to block their case has been dismissed.

Beaver Lake Cree Nation (BLCN) first went to court against the provincial and Canadian governments in 2008 alleging breach of treaty rights. The Canadian and Alberta governments joined forces to get the lawsuit dismissed, but lost a year ago when the Alberta Court of the Queen's Bench upheld the lawsuit despite the provincial and federal governments' attempts to throw it out, on grounds that it was frivolous.

The Alberta Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal by the Crown in Right of Alberta ("Alberta") and the Attorney General of Canada ("Canada") by choosing to strike portions of the Statement of Claim of the Beaver Lake Cree Nation ("BLCN").

By affirming the lower court's decision, the Court of Appeal allowed the BLCN's claim for damages for treaty infringement to proceed.

The basis for the BLCN's claim is that the cumulative impacts of past Crown authorizations for resource development in their traditional territory unjustifiably infringes their rights to hunt, trap, and fish under Treaty 6.

Woodward and Company a Victoria B.C. firm represents BLCN.

View Woodward and Company website
View May 8, 2013 Indian Country Today Media Network article
View April 12, 2012 Indian Country Today Media Network article
View Beaver Lake Cree Nation website
View June 4, 2013 The Globe and Mail article
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