Manitoba Wildlands  
Toronto Exceeds Kyoto Target 14 June 13

Toronto has substantially exceeded its greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target for 2012. The city's GHG emissions are now estimated at 23.2 million tonnes, down 15% from 1990 levels. This is more than double the 6% reduction target established by Toronto City Council in 2007, based on Canada's target under the Kyoto Protocol, Toronto is now halfway to achieving the City's 2020 target of 30% below 1990 levels.

"Toronto's success demonstrates it is possible for a growing, thriving city to reduce climate change pollution. De-coupling growth and carbon is a trajectory we need to keep moving along" says Toronto Atmospheric Fund (TAF) CEO Julia Langer. Since 1990, Toronto's economy has grown by about 70%, population has grown by 15% yet GHG emissions have fallen.

TAF has been sparking action on climate, air pollution and energy use in Toronto for 20 years. Internationally recognized for its innovative and effective programs, TAF has helped Toronto save more than $55 million on energy costs and helped citizens live greener lives in healthier communities.

View April 24, 2013 Eight by Fifty article
View September 21, 2002 report Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol
View April 2012 Toronto Public Health report
View September 16, 2012 Smart Planet article
View U.S. Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014