Manitoba Wildlands  
New Hydro Transmission Line To U.S. 28 June 13

Manitoba Hydro is seeking public input to plan a route for a new transmission line through south eastern Manitoba called the Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project. The public process is aimed at identifying the most suitable route, and to take into account impacts on people and the environment.

"Over the next few months, we will introduce the 500 kilovolt (kV) alternating current (AC) international transmission line project to the public and gather input to develop a full public engagement process that will begin in early fall of 2013. This public engagement process will provide numerous opportunities for the public to learn more about the project and share their interests and concerns with Manitoba Hydro," said Shannon Johnson, Manager of Licensing and Environmental Assessment at Manitoba Hydro. "The first steps in the process include informing Manitoba Hydro customers and landowners of the project and initiating contact with municipal and Aboriginal leaders and interest groups."

The new transmission line is to carry energy to U.S. customers.

View June 28, 2013 Manitoba Hydro news release
View June 5, 2013 Winnipeg Sun article
View April 21, 2012 Winnipeg Free Press article
View March 9, 2012 Alberta Oil Magazine article
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