Manitoba Wildlands  
New Lawsuit Against Monsanto 5 July 13

Another lawsuit has been filed against seed giant Monsanto over discovery this past May of an isolated field of genetically engineered wheat in Oregon. Kansas wheat farmer Dan Brown sued Monsanto on Tuesday on behalf of himself and potentially thousands of other growers. The Seward County resident's lawsuit is seeking class-action status.

Monsanto has sued many farmers when their GM crops have turned up in the farmer's fields even though the farmers state they never planted them. Farmers who get into the Roundup-Ready (RR) System lose their independence, and are obliged to sign a lengthy and restrictive agreement.

Monsanto often contracts private investigation firms like Pinkerton, to check up on farmers and independent, non-GM farmers, taking samples unannounced from their fields to make sure they are not in violation. Monsanto also maintains a hotline so farmers can turn in their neighbours for suspected violations.

View June 26, 2013 Huffington Post article
View June 6, 2013 Reuters article
View June 6, 2013 Huffington Post article
View March 30, 2011 Mother Earth News article
View May 2007 Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology article
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