Manitoba Wildlands  
Elizabeth May: $120 Million 'Greases' Northern Gateway Bid 6 September 13

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May says Ottawa is using Canadian taxpayers money to subsidize oil pipeline environmental studies that should be the responsibility of Enbridge, the Calgary-based company proposing to build the $6-billion Northern Gateway oil project. May claims leaked federal documents reveal the federal government has embarked on two major studies worth at least $120 million that are "greasing the wheels for Enbridge,"

May says the Harper government is spending at least $78 million on marine spill studies specifically connected to bitumen, the molasses-like crude that would be shipped in the pipeline between Alberta and British Columbia. Also the documents reveal Ottawa is spending $42 million to study ways to improve weather forecasting in the northern B.C. coastal regions that will be used by oil tankers if the project is approved by the federal Joint Review Panel.

"Some of this money is going to backfill for Enbridge and do the homework it should have done before it went to the Joint Review Panel," said May. "Other money is operational and represents an investment in better weather forecasting for supertanker routes that don't exist yet. We're building an infrastructure as though the project is already approved."

View September 5, 2013 Huffington Post article
View September 4, 2013 CBC News article
View September 4, 2013 CTV News article
View September 4, 2013 The Vancouver Sun article
View September 4, 2013 The Province article
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