Manitoba Wildlands  
Auditor General To Examine Pipeline Safety 13 September 13

The Alberta provincial auditor general has agreed to investigate pipeline safety in Alberta following wide criticism of the Alberta government's report on pipeline oversight. Opposition parties released a letter from auditor general Merwan Saher Thursday saying his office will conduct a systems audit on pipeline safety as soon as possible.

"We will be auditing the government's monitoring systems to ensure compliance with Alberta's pipeline regulations. Our audit would include inspection and enforcement processes," wrote Saher.

Jennifer Grant, director of the Pembina Institute's oilsands program, made the following comments in response to Auditor General Merwan Saher's commitment to undertake an audit of pipeline safety;

"It's very positive to see the Auditor General committing to audit Alberta's pipeline monitoring systems and ensure they comply with regulations, and we applaud Mr. Saher for showing leadership on this important issue. This audit presents an opportunity to restore Albertans' confidence in the provincial regulator's ability to manage pipelines and the associated risks. We look forward to the results of this audit and welcome the Auditor General's recommendations to improve pipeline safety in the province."

Canadian Natural Resources Ltd has four sites in Alberta, which have been leaking since Spring 2013.

View September 13, 2013 Calgary Herald article
View September 12, 2013 Pembina Institute media release
View September 12, 2013 Huffington Post article
View September 12, 2013 Global News article
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