Manitoba Wildlands  
Keeyask Generation Hearings Held Over 8 November 13

The Clean Environment Commission (CEC), the agency that manages environmental licensing hearings in Manitoba, has decided that hearings for the Manitoba Hydro Keeyask Generation Station will be held over into January 2014. This is the second extension of the hearings.

The panels of Hydro experts have almost finished their presentations. Cross-examination from participants and the Commission follow each panel's presentations. Some but not all participants have legal counsel. Panels are based on the volumes and topics in the Environmental Impact Statements and supplementary filings for the project, under Manitoba's Environment Act.

Starting November 12 participants will bring in their independent expert witnesses, especially in areas such as woodland caribou, sustainability, cumulative assessment, water quality, mercury poisoning, and flooding from Manitoba's hydro system. These witnesses and experts will be informing the CEC for about 4 weeks.

CEC hearings are open to the public, and being held at the Hotel Fort Garry in downtown Winnipeg.

Manitoba Wildlands posts a daily summary during the hearings on its fb wall. Other products are being developed during the hearings, including a CEC Chart of all Keeyask Generation documents, events, decisions, etc. Watch the brag box on the news page for posts.

View more information on Manitoba Wildlands Keeyask Generation Project page
View Manitoba Wildlands Keeyask Chronology Chart
View Keeyask Hydropower Limited Partnership website
View Manitoba Clean Environment Commission Hearings page
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014