Manitoba Wildlands  
Cabinet to Review Bipole III Transmission Project 13 December 13

Manitoba Justice has determined an appeal to cabinet is required for Manitoba Hydro's controversial Bipole III transmission project. The project is intended to be a new 500 kv direct current line from northern Manitoba, to the east side of Winnipeg. The transmission project licence includes a new converter station, to be situated on the east side of Winnipeg, on lands assembled in 2009. The project starts in the multi hydro project zone along the Nelson River where Manitoba Hydro aims to build two new generation stations, multiple short transmission lines, and a new converter station.

The Environment Act licence for Bipole III was issued in August 2013, with an appeal period of 30 days. Numerous appeals were filed, including from multiple Manitoba First Nations. Each appellant will soon start to receive materials with deadlines to respond in writing for each stage of the appeal to cabinet. It is unclear how those times stages will work given how many appellants are outside Winnipeg.

The Bipole III appeal to cabinet will be a paper process for appellants, like the appeal to cabinet regarding the Wuskwatim Generation and Transmission appeal to cabinet.

View Manitoba Hydro NFAT Manitoba Hydro's Preferred Development Plan
View Public Registry File for Bipole III Transmission Project
View Manitoba Wildlands BiPole III 500 kV HVDC Transmission Project page
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014