Manitoba Wildlands  
Keeyask Hearings End with Some Surprise 10 January 14

Clean Environment Commission hearings for the Manitoba Hydro Keeyask Generation Station project ended Thursday, January 9, 2014, after 4 weeks of northern tour, and 8 weeks of Winnipeg hearings.

Participants in the proceedings and hearings provided closing statements through the week. Most advised the CEC Panel that they could not recommend a licence for the generation station. Reasons varied, but included gaps in method, gaps in data, and the need for the public utility to update its standards, share information, and be open to advice.

While the week progressed Manitoba Hydro decided to indicate that the Conawapa Generation Station project would be going to the Hydro board in March, and that the training program for Conawapa would upgrade those working on Keeyask also.

The utility also indicated their plan on how to conduct the Regional Cumulative Effects Assessment (RCEA) for the hydro region in northern Manitoba was with the minister, and they expected to finish the work in 2014. The assessment was recommended by the CEC, and endorsed by Minister Makintosh with direction to the utility after Bipole III. Participants' response to this timeline for the RCEA was consistent: The RCEA needs to be independent from the utility, with its cooperation, so as to avoid self assessment, and the same experts used for most Hydro projects.

To the surprise of the CEC and participants, Manitoba Hydro also indicated the general contract to build Keeyask has been awarded.

The CEC report regarding the Keeyask Generation Project has to be in the hands of the Minister within 120 days of the end of hearings.

View January 8, 2014 Manitoba Wildlands closing statements
View Manitoba Wildlands Keeyask Generation Project page
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