Manitoba Wildlands  
Lord Stern: Be Fiercer On Climate Change 14 February 14

There are certain iron laws of recessions. One of them is that the urge to take care of the environment rapidly falls down the political agenda. The downturn of 2008-09 was a spectacularly big one so it is no surprise that those seeking an international agreement on climate change have found the going tough.

This is all a big mistake, according to Lord Stern, who completed a review of the economics of climate change for Tony Blair in what now seems the different world of 2006.

The record rainfall and storm surges that have brought flooding across the UK are a clear sign that we are already experiencing the impacts of climate change. There are powerful grounds for arguing that this is part of a trend.

Stern says things have moved on in the eight years since his review. "I would have been much fiercer", he says. "Emissions have gone up faster than I thought and some of the effects of global warming are coming through more quickly, such as melting of the glaciers and the polar ice caps. But technical change has been faster too."

Stern says that on present trends global temperatures will be 4-5C higher in the next century and governments are fooling themselves if they think this will only have a modest impact on their economies.

"The last time we had a change in global temperatures of this order of magnitude it was in the other direction. It was called the Ice Age."

View January 25, 2014 Reuters article
View January 24, 2014 Responding to Climate Change article
View January 23, 2014 The Guardian article
View January 22, 2014 The Weather Channel article
View January 22, 2014 The Globe and Mail article
View February 14, 2014 The Guardian article
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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014