Manitoba Wildlands  
Sochi: Olympics and the Environment 28 February 14

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) collaborates with the United Nations Environment Program about sports and the environment. The IOC has their own environmental agenda that encourages countries to promote sustainability practices in their operations and to ensure air quality, water quality, green space and improved socioeconomic conditions. The IOC has been notably absent from discussion around Sochi's environmental degradation or the Games' impact on nearby towns that lack potable water have been cut off by new highways.

Russia's drive to host the Winter Games, no matter the cost, also reflects their long history of staging mega-projects at the state's expense, according to Dr. Lowell Barrington, chair of the Department of Political Science at Marquette University and an expert on Russian politics and nationalism.

When Russia originally made a bid for the Olympics seven years ago, President Vladmir Putin promised a list of environmentally friendly measures: zero waste, heavy investment in alternative energy, restoration of endangered species to the surrounding areas, and the first carbon neutral Games in history. None of these targets have been realized and some have even worsened.

View February 25, 2014 Nicholas School of the Environment article
View February 22, 2014 CBC News article
View February 17, 2014 The Ecologist article
View February 12, 2014 Think Progress article
View February 12, 2014 BBC News Europe article
View February 10, 2014 Amnesty International article
View January 20, 2014 Time article
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