Manitoba Wildlands  
Public Utilities Boards Says NO to Manitoba Hydro Plan 7 July 14

Manitoba's Public Utilities Board (PUB) issued its report, and the Manitoba government has released the report that reviews Manitoba Hydro's development plan. Hearings were held over three months. This was the first time a ‘Needs for and Alternatives to' review of Manitoba Hydro projects has been conducted, with at least some of them yet to be approved.

The PUB recommendations (pg 249 of the report) start with a clear recommendation that the Manitoba government not approve Manitoba Hydro's proposed preferred Development Plan."

Acknowledging the in service date for the Keeyask Generation Station is perhaps 5 years early based on domestic energy need within Manitoba, the PUB recommends that "Manitoba Hydro proceed with the construction of the Keeyask Project to achieve a 2019 in service date."

Despite there already being 4 transmission interconnections between Manitoba and the United States customers for Manitoba Hydro, the PUB recommended that "the Manitoba government authorize Manitoba Hydro to proceed with the 750 MW US transmission interconnection project for 2020 in service date."

About the Conawapa Generation Station, the PUB recommended that the government of Manitoba not approve construction of the Conawapa Project and the North South Transmission Project. The PUB stated, ‘nor should existing sunk costs become a justification for Conawapa."

Rate-payer impacts are subject of another 3 PUB recommendations to government. In its closing the PUB report indicates it is "now time for to determine and build a more diversified (energy) resource portfolio" Solar and wind energy should be an integrated part of the future of Manitoba's energy portfolio, according to the PUB report.

View June 2014 Public Utilities Board NFAT Report
View Manitoba Wildlands Keeyask Generation Station page
View Manitoba Wildlands Bipole III transmission project page
View Manitoba Wildlands Bipole III hearings page
View more on Manitoba Wildlands Manitoba Hydro Projects page

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