Manitoba Wildlands  
Canada's Energy Strategy - Full of Words 5 September 14

The Premiers of Canada have all gone back to their respective provinces and what exactly will be the actions set in motion from all that talk? Prince Edward Island Premier Robert Ghiz hosted Canada's Premiers and their delegations for the 55th Annual Premiers Conference. The meeting took place in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island during the 150th anniversary of the 1864 Charlottetown Conference.

The Vision set forth at the conference - "Canada is a global leader in providing a secure, sustainable and reliable supply of energy that is delivered with a high standard of environmental and social responsibility, consistent with efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contributes to continued economic growth and prosperity for all Canadians."

While the vision statement puts a good foot forward it belies the reality Canada and the provinces really do face. Canada is not a global leader in supplying a reliable source of energy that is delivered with a high standard of environmental and social responsibility. This is hypocrisy - environmental and social responsibility are missing. Add to this the dismissal of Northern communities and concerns expressed by people across Canada about pollution from the Tar Sands.

Reduction of greenhouse gases has not happened, Canada is falling far behind the Kyoto Protocol projections, and in Manitoba there is no monitoring system and no reporting system to confirm or track reduction in greenhouses gases.

Prosperity for all Canadians? Tell that to all the First Nation communities whose rights have been trampled in the pursuit of profits as the federal and provincial governments to satisfy industry's thirst for easy money from energy and resource extraction without the consent of the First Peoples of Turtle Island.

View September 2, 2014 DeSmog Canada article
View August 29, 2014 The Council of the Federation Communique
View August 27, 2014 The National Post article
View Assembly of First Nations Honouring Earth page
View National Aboriginal Health Organization Resource Extraction Papers
View October 2008 National Aboriginal Health Organization report

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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014