Manitoba Wildlands  
Stephen Harper Recognized As Climate Criminal 31 October 14

According to a 2014 Climate Change Performance Index from groups Climate Action Network Europe and Germanwatch, Canada occupies one of two bottom spots among all 34 countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Among the 20 countries with the largest economies (G20), only Saudi Arabia ranked lower than them.

Canada is the only nation to sign on to the Kyoto Treaty and then to publicly abandon it. Under the Kyoto Treaty Canada was supposed to have lowered emissions 6 percent between 1990 and 2012, but instead emissions have risen 26 percent since 1990. The United States (which never ratified Kyoto), has seen emissions rise by 16 percent in the same period, 10 percent less Canada.

"Despite the growing climate crisis, the Harper Government is doing everything in its power to sabotage global problem-solving efforts," argued Mike Hudema, Climate and Energy campaigner with Greenpeace, Canada in a press release;"By endangering and blocking progress on an international climate agreement and prioritizing the tar sands over the health of people on this planet Harper is further jeopardizing the lives of millions that will die or become displaced due to the climate crisis."

View October 27, 2014 MTL Blog article
View October 21, 2014 Huffington Post article
View October 21, 2014 New Republic article
View November 22, 2013 The Star article
View German Watch The Climate Change Performance Index Results 2014
View One Blue Marble information page

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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014