Manitoba Wildlands  
Tar Sands Impact On Climate Too Costly 17 January 2015

Oil prices have dropped sharply, causing proposed projects in the Alberta tar sands to be shelved until further notice. A new analysis of worldwide fossil-fuel reserves suggests that most of the Alberta oil the pipeline is meant to carry would need to remain in the ground if nations are to meet the goal of limiting global warming to two degrees Celsius.

The study, published in the journal Nature, includes Alberta oil sands and considers the geographic distribution of the world’s total fossil fuel supply, including oil, coal and natural gas reserves, and their potential impact on international efforts to curb global warming.

“I think the most sobering thing from this study is the gulf that it reveals between the declared intention of the politicians and the policy-makers to stick to two degrees, and their willingness to actually contemplate what needs to be done if that is to be even remotely achieved,” said Paul Ekins, a co-author of the study.

Canada, where the tar sands are located, repeatedly delays, or blocks regulation of oil and gas emissions.

View January 12, 2015 Environment Defence article
View January 8, 2015 Nature article
View January 7, 2015 The Globe and Mail article
View January 7, 2015 The Guardian article
View September 6, 2012 The Globe and Mail article

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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014