Manitoba Wildlands  
Manitoba to Minnesota Transmission Route Selected 17 January 2015

Manitoba Hydro has announced the final preferred route for the new transmission project to Minnesota. The utility will start ‘Round Three’ of public engagement sessions about the project soon, continuing through spring 2015. A new newsletter with map showing the preferred transmission route are now posted on the Hydro website.

The environment act scoping document for the project, which will direct content of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the public reviews, hearings and decision about this transmission project, is currently under public review. It is posted in Manitoba Conservation’s public registry.

Several First Nations are affected by the project, and Aboriginal Consultations through the Manitoba government apparently will not start until the EIS is filed. Several communities, and numerous property owners are also affected. The final route does not use much public land, which are available for treaty land entitlement selections. Some existing road and transmission corridors lands are used for the route. The tall grass prairie preserve in south eastern Manitoba appears to not be affected.

Minister Mackintosh, Conservation and Water Stewardship, is responsible for the regulatory process and final decision about the transmission project. He will need the outcomes from the CEC hearings and the results from Aboriginal consultations in order to make a licensing decision.

View Manitoba Hydro Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Line Project
View Manitoba government public registry – Scoping Document
View Great Northern Transmission Line website
View October 30, 2014 Manitoba Hydro News Release
View June 28, 2013 Manitoba Wildlands 2013 News Item
View more on Manitoba Wildlands Manitoba Minnesota Transmission Project page

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