Manitoba Wildlands  
Mayors Meet Pope Seek Bold Climate Agreement 24 July 15

Mayors from around the world gathered at the Vatican and pledged to combat global warming and help the poor deal with its effects. Their conference was organized by the Vatican barely a month after Pope Francis' sweeping encyclical on the environment, including climate.

The two day conference was the first time it specifically invited local officials, hoping to mobilize grass-roots action and maintain pressure on world leaders for action ahead of a global summit meeting on climate change scheduled for December in Paris.

Pope Francis told the gathering that he had "a lot of hope" that the Paris negotiations would succeed, but also warned the mayors: "You are the conscience of humanity."

Pope Francis' other main priority has been to raise awareness about human trafficking. The Vatican conference is aimed at showing how both are related: The exploitation of the Earth and its most vulnerable people, with global warming often responsible for creating "environmental refugees" forced to flee homes because of drought or other climate-induced natural disasters.

View July 21, 2015 CBC News article
View July 21, 2015 The Huffington Post article
View July 21, 2015 CBC News article
View July 21, 2015 The New York Times article
View July 21, 2015 National Observer article

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