Manitoba Wildlands  
New First Nations Alliances 2 October 15

On September 30th, First Nation Chief representatives from Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec visited Musqueam Territory, to appear before the 47thAnnual Chiefs-in-Assembly of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs. The delegation spoke with BC Chiefs about forming a national alliance to confront tar sands pipelines, including the TransCanada Energy East pipeline.

The chiefs voted unanimously at the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs conference to develop strategies to work together to oppose Energy East, which they see as an unacceptable risk to their lands and waterways. A first-of-its kind "Indigenous Treaty" is also in the works to tackle oil sands expansion in general.

On the Prairies, where First Nations are facing two pipelines —Energy East and Enbridge's Line 3 replacement —Manitoba's Grand Chief says Indigenous peoples oppose the projects over "climate chaos" and water contamination concerns.

"We know the climate is changing. You don't need a scientist to tell you that," said Grand Chief Nepinak, of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs. "We can feel that when we go outside. The forest fires across the land."

"If we move forward with Mr. Harper's natural resource development strategy, which would mean new pipelines across the territories, which would mean an expansion of the tar sands, we're not doing anything for our future generations."

View October 1, 2015 Natinal Observer article
View October 1, 2015 National Observer article
View September 30, 2015 The Canadian Business Journal article
Visit Pipe Up Against Enbridge website

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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014