Manitoba Wildlands  
Manitoba & Alberta Sign Climate MOU 15 January 16

Premiers from Western Canada's two NDP provinces met in Winnipeg today to talk climate change policy and renewable energy. Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger and Alberta Premier Rachel Notley exchanged ideas on energy infrastructure, renewable energy and climate change priorities.

The premiers discussed climate change and energy infrastructure. They say Alberta's and Manitoba's actions and leadership on climate change have advanced the national dialogue on important infrastructure projects such as hydroelectricity transmission and pipelines. The premiers agreed that Canada's energy infrastructure must be built in an environmentally responsible and safe way.

The two premiers signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) that, in broad terms, commits their provinces to further emissions reductions and energy efficiency. The MOU includes a commitment to share information and develop co-operative measures related to energy conservations programs, renewable energy development and greenhouse-gas reduction policies. It also emphasizes the importance of improving integration of electrical grids in western Canada to open up economic opportunities, improve energy reliability and resiliency, and continue transition to a lower-carbon economy.

Building sizable transmission capacity to Alberta would be a long-term and costly project. Provinces have previously pressed the federal government, without success, for help in funding a national east-west grid.

Both premiers support Energy East, which is not going to reduce emissions. Both provinces' emissions are rising. And a comparison of their new climate plans does not favour Manitoba's climate plan.

View January 8, 2016 Alberta Government article
View January 8, 2016 CBC News article
View January 8, 2016 The Globe and Mail article

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