On March 1, 2005, in a scheduled meeting arranged by the Tahltan Central Council, Shell Canada met with the Tahltan Community. The Elders Council conducted the meeting, for the first time in history, with a Tahltan agenda. The Elders Council imposed a moratorium on all resource development on Tahltan lands until a true representative leadership is re-established in Tahltan governance.
On March 2nd 2005 the Iskut First Nations Hereditary Elders Council, Chief and band council took the first step to support the hereditary Elders to protect the Tahltan territory from the uncontrolled resource development. Dressed in traditional regalia, a group of Iskut Elders confronted representatives of Shell Canada. Led by Iskut Chief Louis Louie, they told Shell that the Iskut First Nations Band Council would enforce the moratorium adopted by the Telegraph Creek Elders in mid-February.
View the full March 3, 2005 press release on Resist.ca by spokespersons of the groups involved in the protest
View the March 7, 2005 news article on The Tyee
View background on the Tahltan First Nation from Mining Watch Canada
View February 14, 2005 Manitoba Wildlands news item regarding the Tahltan Elders protest
Sources: Resist.ca, The Tyee, Mining Watch Canada |