Manitoba Wildlands  
New Brokenhead Wetland Ecological Reserve 28 June 05

Showy Lady's slipperThe new Brokenhead Wetland Ecological Reserve (ER) is Manitoba's 19th ecological reserve and newest protected area. Announced by Premier Doer June 24, 2005, the 563-hectare parcel of land is located along PTH 59, north of Winnipeg and northeast of the Brokenhead Ojibway Nation reserve.

This type of wetland is rare in North America and contains a marshy area of land called a calcareous fen and a rare white cedar forest community. The Brokenhead wetland also features 23 species of provincially rare and uncommon plants and is home to 28 of Manitoba's 36 native orchid species.

Most of the lands within the current boundaries for the Brokenhead Wetland are lands approved for protected status by the Mining Sector. The final designation however, includes only about one third of the lands supported by the Mining Sector (please refer to Manitoba Wildlands' map showing the ER and Mining Ranked lands below).

Manitoba Wildlands Director Gaile Whelan Enns congratulated Brokenhead First Nation for their support of this new ecological reserve. "Still no information is available as to why this ER is not bigger. As of Thursday June 30, 2005 no regulation for the ecological reserve is posted."

View the June 24, 2005 Government of Manitoba News Release
View the Manitoba Wildlands map, with Brokenhead Wetland ER boundaries and Mining Sector ranking of lands under review
View Protected Areas Initiative information on the Brokenhead Wetland

Source: Government of Manitoba

Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014