Green green water is a documentary film about hydroelectric power and its impact on the lives of thousands of Aboriginal people in northern Manitoba.
Filmmaker Dawn Mikkelson, collaborating with Métis-Ojibway filmmaker, James M. Fortier, travels to Manitoba to tell the story of several Cree communities whose lives have been forever altered by hydroelectric dams.
In the beginning, Mikkelson hoped that by drawing attention to this situation, the Cree would receive more equitable financial compensation for their pain, but is money enough to remedy the destruction of a culture, a way of life, and a community's dignity?
"This is a story about power... power from hydroelectric dams... the power to destroy an ancient culture... the power of big money... the power of Indigenous people who refuse to be powerless in their struggle to survive... and the power of activism."
Visit the green green water documentary film site
View the green green water Video Log (Vlog)
View the 12-minute trailer for green green water
Source: Aquaries Media Corporation - green green water |