Several public interest groups and communities provided comments on the federal comprehensive study report (CSR) for the Wuskwatim Generation project, for the public review deadline December 21, 2005.
The CSR, authored by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), for the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, was released in November 2005, almost 18 months following the public review hearings held by Manitoba's Clean Environment Commission. Manitoba Wildlands, along with the Manitoba Métis Federation, Pimicikimak Cree Nation, Trapline 18, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and others provided commentary on the CSR. Deficiencies in the CSR, the significant unresolved public concerns about the Wuskwatim projects, and various challenges related to environmental effects and the review process itself were cited as grounds for Canada's Minister of the Environment to refer the hydro development for further review.
Members of the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation, a co-proponent of Wuskwatim along with Manitoba Hydro, must also vote on contents of a project development agreement, and whether or not to proceed with Wuskwatim. No date has been set for the community vote, though it is not likely to be before spring 2006.
View Manitoba Wildlands' December 21, 2005 letter (PDF)
View Manitoba Wildlands' general comments, Wuskwatim federal CSR (PDF)
View Manitoba Wildlands' page by page comments, Wuskwatim federal CSR (PDF)
Visit for history, evidence, presentations, etc, from the hearings.
View further sets of federal CSR review comments on the Wuskwatim page
Source: Manitoba Wildlands |