Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (Big Trout Lake First Nation) in northern Ontario, Canada is blockading a winter road to prevent Platinex Inc. from continuing its mineral exploration.
This is the latest development in a moratorium on mining on their traditional territories declared by four First Nations in October 2005. Kitchenuhmaykoosib, Muskrat Dam, Wapekeka and Wawakapewin issued the moratorium after a meeting to discuss a diamond mining company's request to access their traditional lands. Deer Lake First Nation joined later.
Grand Chief Stan Beardy of Nishnawbe Aski Nation has called on all First Nations in the north to stand with these communities. Grand Chief Beardy wrote, "The moratorium will send a clear message to our Treaty partner Ontario that the time for dialogue, on revenue sharing, consultation, legislated impact and benefit agreements and the end of the so called "free entry" system in mineral exploration is now."
View the CPAWS Wildlands League article
View the February 22, 2006 MiningWatch Canada article
View the February 22, 2006 Globe and Mail article (DOC)
View the February 22, 2006 Kitchenuhmaykoosib press release (PDF)
Visit the Kitchenuhmaykoosib (Big Trout Lake First Nation) website
Visit the Platinex Inc. website
Sources: MiningWatch Canada, CPAWS Wildlands League, Globe and Mail |