Manitoba Wildlands  
2007 Manitoba Protected Areas Audit 14 November 07

Manitoba Wildlands logoManitoba Wildlands released the 2007 Protected Areas Audit November 14, 2007. The Audit is annual, documenting all Manitoba Government actions to establish protected lands and waters.

There were both protected areas losses and gains in the 2006 - 2007 year. The land quantum gain in protected area is 6,361 ha. The amount of land removed from protection is 13,985 ha. The net loss in land quantum protected from development in Manitoba for the 2007 Protected Areas Audit is 7,642 ha.

The total amount of Manitoba's land base protected to date is 5,329,051 ha. By comparison, the amount of protected land in Manitoba as of the 2000 Audit was 5,579,883 ha.

"The failure to replace de-listed protected lands with protected lands elsewhere in the same region shows a failure to turn each decision into an opportunity," noted Manitoba Wildlands Director Gaile Whelan Enns. "We also were unable to access survey maps for some announced protected areas, and must assume the government will clear up this situation quickly."

This year, some areas in the 2007 Audit are still missing regulations. In Manitoba crown mineral rights are withdrawn from protected areas.

Manitoba Wildlands will release the 2007 annual Protected Areas Grade later in November.

View the Whole Manitoba Wildlands' 2007 Protected Areas Audit (PDF)
View Manitoba Wildlands' 2007 Protected Areas Audit - Summary page (PDF)
View Manitoba Wildlands' 2007 Protected Areas Audit - Maps (PDF)
View Manitoba Wildlands' 2007 Protected Areas Audit - Chart (PDF)

View Manitoba Protected Areas Commitments 2005-2007 (PDF)
View Manitoba Protected Areas Commitments 2005-2007 - Full Sources (PDF)

Source: Manitoba Wildlands

Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014