Manitoba Wildlands  
Anti Kyoto Speed Limit Increase Proposed 17 January 08

Manitoba logoManitoba's proposed increase to speed limits on Highway 1 and 75 is raising environmental, economic, and safety concerns from Manitoba Trucking Association (MTA).

The Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) website states, "As speed increases, pollutants increase. From 90 km/h to 110 km/h, there is a 100 per cent increase in carbon monoxide emissions, 50 per cent increase in hydrocarbons and 31 percent increase in nitrogen oxides." MPI is a publicly owned corporation, managed through Manitoba's government.

Fuel is the largest operating cost for a trucking company and is subsequently passed onto the consumer. An increase speed from 100 to 110 km burns 13 percent more fuel. Studies show increased speed results in more severe collisions. A recent government contracted report claimed a 2.5 percent increase in speed could result in a 12 percent increase in fatalities and 7 percent increase in serious personal injuries.

"It is clear increased speed uses more fuel, so our government would collects more taxes. This would be a policy to increase emissions, when the Manitoba government has indicated the transportation sector is a priority for its upcoming climate change action plan," Gaile Whelan Enns, director of Manitoba Wildlands indicated.

The Manitoba Highway Traffic Board will conduct hearings on the proposed speed limits in Winnipeg on February 12 and in Brandon on February 13, 2008. Newspaper notices will be posted soon.

View January 13, 2008 Winnipeg Free Press article
View January 10, 2008 Today's Trucking Online article
View January 10, 2008 CBC News article

Source: Winnipeg Free Press

Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014