Manitoba Wildlands  
Canada's Roadmap on Environment Launched 18 March 08

Tomorrow Today coverConcerned about lack of political leadership on urgent issues such as climate change, Canada's leading environmental organizations have come to a precedent setting consensus around a roadmap for action, entitled Tomorrow Today: How Canada can make a world of difference.

The groups' recommendations centre on climate change, energy use, food production, toxic substances, water, forests and oceans. The report sets out five principles to shape federal laws and policies:
  • precaution
  • polluter pays
  • protecting future opportunities
  • accountability
  • good global citizenship
The report indicates a key first step on the path to sustainability is for the federal government to put a realistic price on emissions of greenhouse gases.

The Tomorrow Today roadmap reflects best thinking of people who make it their job to understand how we can live in greater harmony with the Earth. It recognizes economic well-being is not at odds with protecting our environment, but dependent on efforts to safeguard our natural advantages and ensure a stable climate.

View March 7, 2008 Canadian national conservation organizations press release
View March 2008 report, Tomorrow Today: How Canada Can Make a World of Difference
Visit Tomorrow/Today website

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Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014