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Example: Title Source (Date of publication)
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2009 Previous Recommends
- Climate 2030: A National Blueprint for a Clean Energy Economy Union of Concerned Scientists (2009)
- Obama's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech The Daily Beast (2009)
- Toolkit for Change: ICLEI's new Urban Sustainability Framework Worldchanging (3 December 2009)
- Worldwatch Report: Low-Carbon Energy: A Roadmap Worldwatch Institute (2008)
- Stewart Brand's nuclear enthusiasm falls short on facts and logic Grist (14 October 2009)
- Video: At climate talks, big nations reach deal Toronto Star (18 December 2009)
- An Emergency Package for Tropical Forests The Prince's Rainforests Project (March 2009)
- Worldchanging Interview: Thomas Homer-Dixon Worldchanging (13 November 2006)
- Video: Acid Test: The Global Challenge of Ocean Acidification Natural Resources Defense Council (2009)
- Electricity Conservation and Demand Management Strategies in Ontario Ian Rowlands (28 October 2009)
- John Hummel: Friends of Anishinabek of the Gitchi Gami Google Groups (2009)
- Citizen Engineer: A Handbook for Socially Responsible Engineering ClimateBiz (3 November 2009)
- Video: Rebecca Moore on Mapping Tools for Indigenous People P2P Foundation (7 November 2009)
- A matter of faith The Economist (9 November 2009)
- Three Models of Social Change Earth Policy Institute (3 November 2009)
- Ceres 20•20 Vision Ceres (2009)
- Summary Presentation for Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization Earth Policy Institute (2009)
- Bioplastics Man SEED Magazine (10 November 2009)
- WaterViews | Canada Circle of Blue (18 August 2009)
- Canada's Long Road to Economic Recovery Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (29 October 2009)
- The Fight Over The Future Of Food Planet Ark (11 November 2009)
- Traveling Through Time and Stars Seed Magazine (22 October 2009)
- Inaction on climate change comes with a huge price tag David Suzuki Foundation (6 November 2009)
- The Economic Case for Slashing Carbon Emissions Yale Environment 360 (20 October 2009)
- It's a Dirty Business -- The New Gold Rush That Is Blackening Canada's Name Common Dreams (4 November 2009)
- The Silver Plains Project Silver Plains Project (2009)
- Video: CommonDreams.org - the musical Common Dreams (28 July, 2009)
- It's Easy Being Green The New York Times (24 September 2009)
- Ecosystem Services: A Guide for Decision Makers World Resources Institute (March 2008)
- State of the Athabasca Watershed, 2008 Keepers of the Athabasca (2008)
- Video: Amory Lovins, CEO of the Rocky Mountain Institute Interview Google (2006)
- Climate: A question of justice BBC News (16 November 2009)
- Climate Denial Industry Costs Us $500 Billion a Year Huffington Post (19 November 2009)
- Earth Journalism Awards - Climate Change - Vote now! Earth Journalism (2009)
- Video: Van Jones Keynote at Powershift 09 Common Dreams (6 September 2009)
- Ceres YouTube Channel Ceres, YouTube (2009)
- Bridging the Generation Gap on Climate The New York Times (30 October 2009)
- From a Failed Growth Economy to a Steady-State Economy Encyclopedia of Earth (5 June 2009)
- Al Gore - Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis Newsweek (31 October 2009)
- A Manifesto for the Planet SEED Magazine (3 September 2009)
- The Biofuel Delusion Earthscan (August 2009)
- The Anatomy of A Silent Crisis Global Humanitarian Forum (2009)
- Mountain Top Removal Movie "Coal Country" CoalCountryTheMovie.com (2009)
- Water Polluters Near You: Coal-Fired Power Plants The New York Times (October 2009)
- Corruption in the forestry sector and illegal logging German Government (2009)
- Video: Moms Against Climate Change - "Demonstration" YouTube (28 October 2009)
- The Environmental Revival SEED Magazine (27 October 2009)
- Forests Count in Climate Change David Suzuki with Faisal Moola (23 October 2009)
- Video: Melting Trends: Arctic Ice Completely Gone by 2020? YouTube, ForaTV (31 August, 2009)
- Video: 350 PPM CO2: Earth's Tipping Point? - Bill McKibben YouTube, ForaTV (10 June 2009)
- Green Light Vancouver Magazine (1 November 2009)
- New Brunswick Climate Change Dashboard CSA Standards (2009)
- Video: Why is Greenland melting so fast? Planet Ark (13 October 2009)
- Raise Your Voice on Climate Change YouTube (2009)
- Fossil Fuel Production Up Despite Recession Worldwatch Institute (15 October 2009)
- U.S. headed for massive decline in carbon emissions Grist (14 October 2009)
- Earth Policy Institute - Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization Earth Policy Institute (2009)
- Planetary Boundaries and The Failure of Environmentalism World Changing (25 September 2009)
- Groundwater The Encyclopedia of Earth (22 September 2009)
- Online Resource Puts Ecosystem Services Experts at Fingertips World Business Council for Sustainable Development (15 September 2009)
- Making Canada relevant again thestar.com (25 September 2009)
- Water Issues Research Circle of Blue (17 August 2009)
- Measuring renewable water assets in Canada Statistics Canada (18 June 2009)
- President Obama's Speech at UN Climate Change Summit The White House (22 September 2009)
- The Copenhagen Communiqué on Climate Change The Prince of Wales (2009)
- Video: Yvo de Boer on Bangkok Climate Change Talks UNFCCC (September 2009)
- Distributed Energy Generation, a Green Economy Paradigm The Green Economy Post (17 September 2009)
- Vandana Shiva on Soil not Oil International Institute for Sustainable Development (2009)
- Video: Candy-Colored Solar Panels Don't Need Direct Sun National Geographic (14 September 2009)
- No special treatment for tar sands Toronto Star (16 September 2009)
- Traditional Ecological Knowledge Deborah McGregor (2009)
- Human Activity and the Environment: Annual Statistics Statistics Canada (June 2009)
- Counting Canada's Natural Capital Canadian Boreal Initiative (2009)
- Coal River Mountain Action Dr. James Hansen (25 June 2009)
- Knowing How to Pick a Fight Paul Ehrlich - SEED Magazine (4 August 2009)
- Why Climate Change is a Business Issue Investor Network on Climate Risk (2009)
- Global Water Tool World Business Council for Sustainable Development (2009)
- 51 Great Sites for Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Realizing Your Worth (12 August 2009)
- Crisis and Hope: Theirs and Ours Common Dreams (4 September 2009)
- The Grapes of Wrath revisited guardian.co.uk (2009)
- Is Your Drinking Water Contaminated? Science Daily (1 December 2006)
- The Scale of Plastic Pollution The New York Times (5 August 2009)
- Resources from the Worldchanging Library Worldchanging (14 August 2009)
- Cool Schools: The Third Annual List Sierra Club (2009)
- Happy 150th, Oil! So Long, and Thanks for Modern Civilization Wired (27 August 2009)
- Audio slideshow: Chris Jordan on America's coal consumption Grist (5 August 2009)
- America's Climate Choices America's Climate Choices (2009)
- Who Killed the Electric Car? CBC (6 September 2009)
- Website: ITUC on Climate Change International Trade Union Confederation (2009)
- Video: A New Sound: Green For All Green For All (10 August 2009)
- Insurance and Response to Climate Change Risks Earth Portal (2009)
- The First Secretary of Climate Change Popular Science (June 29 2009)
- Climate Wars - CBC Ideas Series CBC (2009)
- MP3: James Wilsdon on release of climate change impact reports Royal Society (June 2009)
- Climate Change Videos Climate Change Nova Scotia (2009)
- The psychology of climate change: why we do nothing The Ecologist (12 August 2009)
- Video: Putin explores world's deepest lake Planet Ark (3 August 2009)
- Video: Time ticking down to climate treaty Planet Ark (10 August 2009)
- Video: Solar Ship Takes to the Water Planet Ark (12 August 2009)
- Climate Change Seen as Threat to U.S. Security The New York Times (8 August 2009)
- New Climate Regime: Soil as the medium for change Climate-L.org (18 August 2009)
- Tapped - The Movie www.tappedthemovie.com (2009)
- Living Planet Community - WWF Canada World Wildlife Fund (2009)
- Canada's bloody oil guardian.co.uk (24 August 2009)
- Water Scarcity Looms as Population, Temperature Rise Worldwatch Institute (6 August 2009)
- Eco Catastrophes Newsweek (24 July 2009)
- On a World without Growth by Herman Daly AdBusters (31 July 2009)
- Are Wind farms a Health Risk? US Scientist Identifies 'Wind Turbine Syndrome' The Independent/UK (2 August 2009)
- Warning: Oil Supplies Are Running Out Fast The Independent/UK (3 August 2009)
- Halfway to Copenhagen, no way to 2 °C Nature Reports Climate Change (11 June 2009)
- Arctic Vegetation Zones are very Likely to Shift, Causing Wide-Ranging Impacts Arctic Portal (31 January 2008)
- Eye on the Earth Worldwatch Institute (2009)
- Portraits of Climate Change: The Rocky Mountains Worldwatch Institute (2009)
- Video: Council of the Federation Greenpeace (13 August 2009)
- In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto - Michael Pollan Michael Pollan (January 2008)
- The Sophie Prize 2009 Winner, Marina Silva The Sophie Foundation (2009)
- Ex PM's Statement Power Up Canada (2009)
- Mathematicians: An Outer View of the Inner World SEED Magazine (2009)
- A speech by The Prince of Wales on climate change to the European Parliament The Prince of Wales (14 February 2008)
- An Eastern judge points the way to solving Western water problems Dr. Peter Gleick (17 July 2009)
- A Green Collar Report: green jobs (first of a series) Eco Seed (20 July 2009)
- The Richard Dimbleby Lecture, "Facing the Future" by The Prince of Wales The Prince of Wales (8 July 2009)
- Drought in Australia – The Lessons we Can Learn for Tackling Climate Change Think Carbon (22 Jun 2009)
- Climate Change CIBC (2009)
- Project Get Ready Project Get Ready (2009)
- Hydro power at whose expense? ChristianWeek.org (17 July 2009)
- Renewable Energy Standards Advance in Four States RenewableEnergyWorld.com (16 July 2009)
- Strategies to Address Global Warming - By James Hansen The Environmentalist (14 July 2009)
- Finding Fish SEED Magazine (16 July 2009)
- The Disappearing Male CBC (June 2009)
- Slow Death by Rubber Duck TheTyee.ca (21 May 2009)
- G-8 Failure Reflects US Failure on Climate Change The Huffington Post & CommonDreams.org (10 July 2009)
- Video: The Fed Under Fire CommonDreams.org, Lagan Sebert, Harry Hanbury and Mike Fritz (10 July 2009)
- Video: Demolishing Appalachia CommonDreams.org, TriCities.com (12 July 2009)
- Toward a Transatlantic Green New Deal The Worldwatch Institute (2009)
- Portraits of Climate Change: The Rocky Mountains The Worldwatch Institute (2009)
- Environmental and social implications of dam removal The Encyclopedia of Earth (13 July 2009)
- Climate Literacy Handbook The Encyclopedia of Earth (7 July 2009)
- Taking Stock Commission for Environmental Cooperation (10 June 2009)
- That '30s Show The New York Times & CommonDreams.org (3 July 2009)
- A President Breaks Hearts in Appalachia The Washington Post & CommonDreams.org (3 July 2009)
- Gore: Deal on Emissions from Land Useage Change Critical The Times Online/UK (7 July 2009)
- The Green Life - Sierra Club US Sierra Club (8 July 2009)
- Drive-Thru Lies – The Truth About the Industry's Greenwash drive-thru lies (2009)
- Hopenhagen Hopenhagen (2009)
- The Happy Planet Index 2.0: Why good lives don't have to cost the Earth New Economics Foundation (june 2009)
- Canada dead last on climate change The Gazette (8 July 2009)
- Climate Change at the G8 Leaders' Summit in L'Aquila, Italy The Pembina Institute (3 July 2009)
- 5th World Water Forum World Water Council (2009)
- The Elusive Green Economy The Atlantic (July 2009)
- Blog: Climate Progress Climate Progress (2009)
- Game: Face the G8 WWF (2009)
- Ducks Unlimited - Ecological Goods and Services fact sheets Ducks Unlimited Canada (2009)
- Report: Canada's Species at Risk Act - Implementation at a Snail's Pace RCEN (2009)
- Is There a Better Word for Doom? SEED Magazine (21 May 2009)
- Unnatural Disasters WWF (22 June 2009)
- Global warming must stay below 2C or world faces ruin, scientists declare Times Online (28 May 2009)
- Video: Jeremy Rifkin - The Third Industrial Revolution CNN (2009)
- Protecting the environment SEED Magazine (17 June 2009)
- Video: The U.S. Role in International Climate Talks World Resources Institute, YouTube (26 May 2009)
- From a Failed Growth Economy to a Steady-State Economy The Encyclopedia of Earth (5 June 2009)
- Video: Island vanishing as climate changes Reuters, PlanetArk (9 June 2009)
- Canadian jobs trump EAs Frontiers in Ecology (May 2009)
- Seven Corporate Social Responsibility Studies You Should Know About The Green Economy Post (9 June 2009)
- 350 Science 350.org (2009)
- ECO-Daily NGO Newsletter CAN International (2009)
- Devastating Natural Disasters Continue Steady Rise WorldWatch Institute (4 June 2009)
- Blog: Forests for the Trees SEED Magazine (2009)
- Climate Change: Fitting the Pieces Together Earth Gauge (2009)
- Adaptation Emerges As Key Part Of Any Climate Change Plan Environment 360, Yale (26 May 2009)
- Sustainability Framework IFAC (Undated)
- The Big Thaw: Travels in the Melting North WWF-Canada (April 2009)
- Video: Climate Change Magnum Photos, UNDP (2008)
- Commencement: Healing or Stealing? University of Portland, Paul Hawken (May 2009)
- Seven Tips for Your Sustainability Report Eisenman Associates (15 May 2009)
- Paul Hawken's Commencement Address in Portland CharityFocus.org (17 May 2009)
- Variations in the Age of Arctic Sea-ice and Summer Sea-ice Extent University of Washington (2004)
- Gambling With Climate Change West Coast Climate Equity (21 May 2009)
- A growing cadre of biologists argues that ecosystem analysis of the world economy might stave off a repeat of 2008's financial catastrophe SEED Magazine (3 February 2009)
- Frontline: Poisoned Waters PBS (21 April 2009)
- Description of the Ecoregions of North America (CEC) The Encyclopedia of Earth (1 May 2009)
- Memo to EPA Employees U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (23 January 2009)
- Video: Op-Ed - Greening of the American Hard Hat The New York Times (20 April 2009)
- In the Name of Mothers Around the World Common Dreams, Women's Media Center (7 May 2009)
- Our fourth annual Earth Day list of the year’s goodies, oddities, and inanities Grist (21 April 2009)
- Can we identify how cultures evolve — and if so, can we change our collective course for the good of the planet? SEED Magazine (15 December 2008)
- It’s up to social science to make us act in an environmentally conscious way. But can we trick ourselves into saving ourselves? SEED Magazine (22 April 2009)
- Video: WWF Pakistan - Coastal Communities WWF (February 2008)
- Video: The Gospel of Green CBC (November 2008)
- A Potluck of Policies - A Canadian ENGO perspective for the UN CSD-17 Canadian Environmental Network (March 2009)
- Africa: Ecological Footprint Factbook 2009 Global Footprint Network (February 2009)
- It Is Time to Order a New Economic Order The Huffington Post (9 February 2009)
- Reserves Protect against Deforestation Fires in the Amazon Plos One (2009)
- Nuclear Power Cannot Solve Climate Change Scientific American (27 March 2009)
- Blue Green Alliance Urges Climate Change Legislation Blue Green Alliance (2009)
- Oil Sands Could Threaten Millions of Migratory Birds WorldWatch Institute (5 April 2009)
- Video: Peak Moment TV, Episode 26: 101 Solutions to Global Climate Change Peak Moment TV (2006)
- Open letter to G-20 Heads of State from an international global coalition for a green economy, comprising environment, development, business and labour groups IISD (2009)
- Toward a New Sustainable Economy Common Dreams, Real World Economics Review (26 March 2009)
- Video: Voices From Three Mile Island - Radio Excerpt Common Dreams (March 2009)
- Video: The Age of Stupid YouTube, Spanner Films (February 2009)
- Video: COALergy: "Smudge" ThisIsReality.org, YouTube (22 December 2008)
- Hydro Industry Seeks to Weaken Standards International Rivers (2 March 2009)
- Video: Maher Arar, Fragile Rights: The erosion of our human rights and civil liberties in the name of national security Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, YouTube (12 February 2009)
- Climate Change Industry Must Plan Now For Climate Change Impacts, Water Shortages, Experts Say EnvrioLine (2009)
- Climate Revelations Orion Magazine (January 2009)
- Video: Suzuki Speaks Documentary YouTube, David Suzuki Foundation (March 2007)
- YouTube Channel for Cool Cities Campaign Cool Cities (2009)
- Video: The Plight of the Polar Bear Reuters, PlanetArk (13 March 2009)
- Climate Takes Rap for Deadly Fires Reuters, PlanetArk (16 March 2009)
- Speech Notes, Jim Prentice, Minister of the Environment Envrionment Canada (6 March 2009)
- Video: The High Cost Of Nuclear Waste YouTube, TMI Alert (28 February 2009)
- Let us Praise—and Keep—the Dead Forest Magazine (March 2009)
- US Memorandum For The Heads Of Executive Departments And Agencies: Scientific Integrity White House, Union of Concerned Scientists (9 March 2009)
- ECO:nomics, Creating Environmental Capital Wall Street Journal (9 March 2009)
- Are we digging ourselves into a hole with carbon capture? David Suzuki Foundation (27 February 2009)
- Video: Member of UN Environment Panel Warns Greenhouse Emissions Rising at Alarming, Unexpected Rate Democracy Now!, YouTube (26 February 2009)
- Nova Scotia's: Greenhouse Gas & air pollutant Discussion Paper Government of Nova Scotia (2009)
- Leave No Child Inside Orion Magazine (March 2007)
- President's trip to Canada defines critical carbon moment Seattlepi.com (17 February 2009)
- Video: Al Gore presentation to the AAAS AAAS (February 2009)
- Peter Gleick: How We Can Avoid a World Without Water www.alternet.org (19 February, 2009)
- Fact vs. Fiction: Five Myths about Network Neutrality SaveOurNet.ca (9 September 2008)
- Video: The Economic Recovery Package Green For All (17 February 2009)
- Uranium Mining, Native Resistance, and the Greener Path Orion Magazine (January 2009)
- State of the World 2009: Into a Warming World, Chapter 1: The Perfect Storm WorldWatch Institute (2008)
- Coal-fired power stations are death factories. Close them The Guardian (15 February 2009)
- The Bubble Is Close to Bursting World Economic Forum Water Initiative (29 January 2009)
- Ten Best Green Jobs for the Next Decade Fast Company (13 January 2009)
- The Feeding of the Nine Billion: Global Food Security for the 21st Century Chatham House (January 2009)
- Restructuring the U.S. Transport System: The Potential of High-Speed Rail Earth Policy Institute (2008)
- Winners of the EDAF Video Competition Environmental Defense Action Fund (2008)
- 350.org website (2008)
- Video: Transformation Through Collaboration Forest Ethics (December 2007)
- Charter of Health Freedom: A Proposal To Live A Great Canadian Life Canadian Natural Health Coalition (2008)
- Greening the Grid: Powering Alberta's Future with Renewable Energy The Pembina Institute (14 January 2009)
- Video: Lost Generation AARP, YouTube (30 November 2007)
- UN Climate Conference: The countdown to Copenhagen ENN, The Independent (9 January 2009)
- Ecology Reader- Ecology for Teachers The Encyclopedia of Earth (7 January 2009)
- Science Matters Column Archive David Suzuki Foundation (2009)
- Predicting Future Introductions of Nonindigenous Species to the Great Lakes US EPA (5 January 2009)
- New Wind Agenda Website (2008)
- The answer is blowin' in the wind! David Suzuki Foundation (7 November 2008)
- WindVision 2025: Powering Canada's Future CanWea (2008)
- The Rights of the Land: The Onondaga Nation of central New York proposes a radical new vision of property rights Orion Magazine (December 2008)
- Video: Anti-whalers pursue Japan fleet Reuters, PlanetArk (27 December 2008)
- Video: What's Next? Orion presents leading writers and activists Orion Magazine (November 2008)
- A Blueprint for Legislative Action United States Climate Action Partnership (January 2009)
- Business and Environmental Leaders Release Landmark Blueprint for Climate Protection Legislation NRDC (15 January 2009)
- Review of solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security RSC Publishing (2009)
- Ecosystems and Human Well-being Synthesis: Summary for Decision-makers The Encyclopedia of Earth (10 December 2008)
- Biofuels - At What Cost? Government support for ethanol and biodiesel in selected OECD countries Global Subsidies Initiative (September 2007)
- Environmental Justice in Canada – It Matters Where You Live Canadian Policy Research Networks (11 December 2008)
- Doing Business in a New Climate: A Guide to Measuring, Reducing and Offsetting Greenhouse Gas Emissions David Suzuki Foundation (2008)
- Video: Dramatic action Office of the President-Elect (8 January 2009)
- Plugging Ontario Into A Green Future: A Renewable Is Doable Action Plan Pembina Institute (12 November 2008)
- 11 Million Litres a Day: The Tar Sands' Leaking Legacy Environmental Defence (2008)
- Fate of Canada's Net Content Coming into Focus The Tyee (16 December 2008)
- Stop Environmental Destruction: Do Not Mail Forest Ethics (2008)
- Dam Removal: Learning from the Pros International Rivers (15 December 2008)
- UNICEF's Photos of the Year Spiegel Online (December 2008)
- Review of solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security Energy and Environmental Science (12 June 2008)
- Reuters Peak Oil Warning Reuters, planetArk (16 December 2008)
- Transition to GREEN: Leading the way to a healthy environment, a green economy and a sustainable future Grist (November 2008)
- Essay and Website: why native? Silver Plains, Manitoba, Canada Website (2008)
- When will the oil run out? The Guardian (15 December 2008)
- Worldchanging Interview: Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Health Solutions WorldChanging (10 December 2008)
- A Wartime Mobilization: We need climate action on the scope of the WWII mobilization Grist (04 December 2008)
- Video: 90-Second Animation For Global Day of Action 350.org, YouTube (5 December 2008)