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Manitoba Wildlands has set up this page about Idle No More to give our audiences access to links, news coverage, videos, blogs, reports and publications about this new movement for social justice and democracy across Canada and the world.
We encourage everyone to watch the online and community news sources, especially from Idle No More and First Nations sources. Please feel free to send us materials or suggestions for this page. Like our annual climate change negotiations page, we will add to the contents of this page each week.
Reports / Publications:
- July 17, 2013, Statement from the Assembly of Manitoba Grand Chief Derek Nepinak regarding the "Certificate of Indian Status"
- January 27, 2014, Proud To Be
- June 19, 2013, Poverty or Prosperity
- May 23, 2013, The Rise of the Native Rights-Based Strategic Framework
- April 25, 2013, Manitoba First Nation Forced to Sign Contribution Agreement Under Duress
- April 8, 2013 First Nations, Inuit and Métis reports
- March 29, 2013, AFN National Treaty Forum Reaffirms the Need for Full Implementation of Treaties and Other Living Agreements
- February 7, 2013, Assembly of First Nations Welcomes All-Party Support for Treaty Implementation and Respect for Aboriginal Title and Rights
- February 2, 2013, Dr. Warren Bell on the Northern Gateway Pipeline
- January 26, 2013, Raymond Robinson remarks upon return to Winnipeg from Victoria Island
- January 25, 2013, Idle No More: An Open Letter to My Non-Aboriginal Neighbours
- January 24, 2013 This Declaration Leads Chief Spence to End Her Hunger Strike
- January 23, 2013 Full text of declaration that will end Attawapiskat chief's six-week protest
- January 21, 2013 Idle No More Manifesto
- January 19, 2013, The Names Of Stolen Sisters and Unprotected lakes (Turtle Island/Canada)
- January 16, 2013 Canada: Letter From Chief Spence Concerning Status Of Hunger Strike And National Leadership Situation
- January 14, 2013 Message from National Chief Atleo
- January 8, 2013, First Nations' Environmental Governance
- November 20, 2012 EcoJustice Bill C-45 and the Navigable Waters Protection Act Legal Backgrounder
- Idle No More Ally Bill of Responsibilities
- Blue Rodeo Fools Like You Lyrics
- October 30, 2012, Open Letter: Canada - China Agreement Abrogates Rights of Indigenous People
- Idle No More Short Documentary - GROUNDED NEWS
- Idle No More: Videos page
- Idle No More: Live Stream and Webinars
- November 14, 2013 #INM1yr webinar recording - Winona LaDuke "Restoring Stable Indigenous Economies"
- December 12, 2013, Flash mob round dance erupts in Saskatoon
- September 28, 2013 #Oct7Proclaim Francis McAdam Saysewahum
- August 1, 2013, 14 year old girl picks fight with bully TV host - and WINS!
- July 10, 2013, Hopi Idle No More
- July 8, 2013, Tar Sands Healing Walk is Idle No More!
- June 20, 2013, Residential school photographs captured dark era
- June 17, 2013 Red Revolution: Indigenous Anthem
- June 15, 2013 Treaty freedom caravan Tom
- May 31, 2013 Treaty Freedom Caravan
- May 28, 2013 Laura Flanders: Idle No More
- May 16, 2013 Idle No More PSA for idlenomore.ca by JT Pro Imaging
- May 19, 2013, For Immediate Release: Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation challenges new Shell tar sands mines [Video]
- May 19, 2013, Walkers for Lakes Parliament Hill video
- May 16, 2013, Idle No More PSA for idlenomore.ca by JT Pro Imaging
- May 6, 2013, Ininiwag Dibaajimowag: Greg McIvor - Residential School: A Learning and Discovery Story
- April 30, 2013, Gathering of Nations Honoring Idle No More - Gathering of Nations 2013
- April 28, 2013, "Idle No More and Indiginous Solidarity" - Eriel Deranger
- April 24, 2013, Niigaan: In Conversation - Leanne Simpson
- March 23, 2013, Robert Houle, Leanne Simpson on Anishnawbe Nationhood
- March 18 2013 Press Conference HudBay Sues Mathias Colomb Cree Nation
- March 14, 2013, An Open Letter to My Settler People - Adam Barker
- March 8, 2013 Youth Walking to Ottawa!
- February 26, 2013 Idle No More - it's really all about love
- February 26, 2013 Panel Discussion: Idle No More
- February 19, 2013, Dr. Pam Palmater speaking at Idle No More Teach-In/Workshop in Thompson on Feb16/13
- February 19, 2013, MCCN Chief Arlen Dumas at Idle No More Northern Manitoba Teach-In/Workshop Feb16/13
- February 17, 2013 Rellik - Idle No More (feat. Nathan Cunningham)
- February 11, 2013 First Nations youth protest Bill C-45
- February 6, 2013 Idle No More: The Voice of a Movement
- February 1, 2013, Nathan Cullen's Speech on New Engagement with Aboriginal Canadians
- February 1, 2013, Shy-Anne - The Awakening
- January 30, 2013, Idle No More - San Francisco Flash Mob 1/27/2013
- January 29, 2013, Idle No More WORLDWIDE. Prime Minister HARPER, the world is watching!
- January 29, 2013, Clayton Thomas-Muller and Heather Milton Lightening at #J28
- January 29, 2013, Mathias Colomb Cree Nation serves stop work order to HudBay
- January 28, 2013, Grand Chief Stewart Phillip - "Well, in the beginning..." Idle No More
- January 28, 2013, Round dance: Why it's the symbol of Idle No More
- January 27, 2013, Jessica Gordon & Sheelah McLean @ People's Social Forum Ottawa Jan 26, 2013
- January 26, 2013 IdleNoMore Allies by Dr. Lynn Gehl
- January 21, 2013, Pimicikamak IdleNoMore
- January 18, 2013, Idle KNOW More Unity Walk - Windsor, Ontario January 16th, 2013 *The Indignants*
- January 18, 2013, Idle No More - Mathias Colomb Jan 16, 2012 #idlenomore
- January 16, 2013, Inside Story Americas : Idle No More
- January 15, 2013, #INM Inspiring 11yo Proves Children Are Leaders NOW EARTH REVOLUTION
- January 14, 2013, We Are About To Be Destroyed
- January 13, 2013 Grand Entry Flash Mob at West Edmonton Mall
- January 13, 2013 Hoopdancing at West Edmonton Mall
- CTV News Channel: 'No commitments for anything' Pam Palmater January 12, 2013
- January 11, 2013 Theresa Spence Speaks out Ottawa Press Conference CBC NEWS January 11 2013
- January 11, 2013 Ta'Kaiya Blaney at City Hall, Coast Salish territory (Vancouver, B.C)
- January 11, 2013 Idle no more protests/ speeches in Ottawa
- January 1, 2013, 16 Best #IdleNoMore Round Dance Videos
- December 31, 2012 Idle No More - Bullet Proof
- December 28, 2012 Idle No More Solidarity Flash Mob Round Dance NYC
- December 26, 2012, An ode to my fellow Canadians
- December 24, 2012 Theresa Spence Interview
- December 12, 2012 Idle No More - Inspirational Video - Last Great Men - CerAmony - Native American Revolution
- December 8, 2012, "Live as if our Future Matters" Music Video
- December 4, 2012 Parliament, Ottawa, Canada
- August 2012 Honor The Treaties
- August 23, 2011, The Peguis Song
- May 31, 2012 8th Fire Wab Kinew 500 years in 2 minutes
- September 2, 2010 Wab Kinew - Heroes
- February 19, 2010, 2010 LCO Hand Drum Contest featuring Niizhoo
- September 8, 2009, 9 Year Old Rocks Hand drum
- July 27, 2007, Stories from Wounded Knee, 1973
- A Thankful Theresa Spence urges First Nation unity
Honour the Treaties:
- January 29, 2014, Neil Young - Mother Earth (Live)
- January 23, 2014
'Ethical Oil' Launches Neil Young Attack Site, Huffington Post
- January 20, 2014 Prominent Canadian Artists and Scientists Sign On to Stand With Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation In Oilsands Expansion Fight, Yahoo!
- January 18, 2014 Unrepentant Young stands by statements (with video), Leader-Post
- January 18, 2014 Neil Young to Harper: Fear Our Emotion!, The Tyee
- January 13, 2014 Neil Young stands with First Nations against Tar Sands - Honour the Treaties
- January 13, 2014, Neil Young Slams Canada's Leaders, Big Oil for 'Killing' First Nation Communities, Billboard
Media Releases:
- March 23, 2014, Canada’s spy agency helped prepare all-of-government approach in case Idle No More protests 'escalated': secret files, The National Post
- March 13, 2014, 'Reconciliation' with First Nations, not the Charter of Rights & Freedoms, will define the Supreme Court in coming years, Chief Justice says, National Post
- January 27, 2014 Harper Collides With Native Canadians' Natural Resources Claims, Bloomberg
- January 17, 2014 Idle No More's most important achievement, Troy Media
Media Releases - October-December 2013:
- December 10, 2013, Idle No More founders named to top 100 global thinkers list, CTV News
- December 11, 2013, Idle No More rally for First Nations education on parliament hill, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network News
- December 10, 2013, Idle No More protesters march to Parliament Hill, CBC
- November 11, 2013 Idle No More marks one year anniversary, CTV News
- October 16, 2013, Idle No More: Penetrates Shallow ‘Canadian’ National Identity, Muskrat Magazine
- October 14, 2013, UN declines to meet Canadian First Nation about environmental concerns, Aljazeera America
- October 6, 2013, Activist group Idle No More gets busy again in Canada, Aljazeera America
- October 3, 2013 Feds must choose between 'collaboration or collision' with First Nations: Atleo, Winnipeg Free Press
Media Releases - August 2013:
- August 11, 2013, Canada’s spy agency kept close watch on rapidly growing First Nations protest movement: documents, National Post
- August 11, 2013, CSIS, Aboriginal Affairs kept close watch on First Nations protest movement, Canada.com
- August 9, 2013, Two Row Paddlers Arrive to 'Honor and Renew' Indigenous Treaties of Peace, Common Dreams
- August 9, 2013, First Nations stand between Canada-China investment deal, CBC News
- August 6, 2013, Nez Perce Executive Council Arrested Blocking Tarsands Megaload, CENSORED NEWS
Media Releases - July 2013:
- July 27, 2013, Grassroots Anti-Pipeline Groups and Idle No More say, "Enbridge No More! Shut Down the Tar Sands!", Idle No More
- July 19, 2013, When Canada used hunger to clear the West , The Globe and Mail
- July 7, 2013, Grief on the edge of the tar sands, Vancouver Observer
- July 5, 2013, Leaders plan rival group to AFN, The StarPhoenix
- July 4, 2013, Ottawa rebuked for holding back First Nations documents, CBC News
- July 4, 2013, Aboriginal leaders plan alternative to AFN for dealing with federal government, Canada.com
Media Releases - June 2013:
- June 28, 2013 Indigenous Women: Never Idle, The Feminist Wire
- June 24, 2013, National Chief Shawn Atleo, Prime Minister Stephen Harper meet quietly, away from spotlight, The Montreal Gazette
- June 20, 2013, Ontario anti-Enbridge occupation just the start of widespread actions, says Tuscarora woman, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
- June 20, 2013, B.C. First Nation sets fires to save bison, CBC News
- June 17, 2013, National trek looks to raise awareness for missing and murdered Aboriginal women, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
- June 16, 2013, Shawn Atleo, Assembly of First Nations chief, has little to show his people: Tim Harper, Toronto Star
- June 16, 2013, Freedom Ride Remembers and Renews Pre-Contact, Nation-to-Nation Treaties, Indian Country Today Media Network
- June 16, 2013, Idle No More leaders keep torch burning at NAISA conference in Saskatoon, The StarPhoenix
- June 14, 2013, Local bands accept the treaty fire, Prince Albert Daily Herald
- June 2, 2013, First Nations unrest depends on concrete action from Harper: national chief, Ottawa Citizen
- June 1, 2013, Ojibwe George Martin Carries in Eagle Staff before Sold Out Stanley Cup Playoff Crowd, Native News Network
Media Releases - May 2013:
- May 28, 2013 The Art of Youth Resistance and Inspiration: Nishiyuu Journey Across Snowy Canada, Cultural Survival
- May 28, 2013, UBCIC Proudly Announces Release of First Nations Heritage Planning Toolkit, Union of BC Indian Chiefs
- May 27, 2013, 1,000-year-old First Nations clam gardens unearthed near Sidney, Times Colonist
- May 23, 2013 Idle No More blockader wants CN to reveal their 'dirty hands' in court, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
- May 23, 2013,
New First Nations treaty alliance expected to emerge during July meeting while AFN gathers in the Yukon, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
- May 19, 2013, INM Resurgence and the Cultural Politics of Indigenous Identity, Black Face Blogging
- May 3, 2013, First Nations, Canada urged to work on deal, Winnipeg Free Press
- May 3, 2013, Female chiefs needed, Winnipeg Free Press
- May 2, 2013, First Nations leaders have impressive economic plans, Canada.com
Media Releases - April 2013:
- April 30, 2013, Idle No More gets out of the courts and into the streets, Vancouver Observer
- April 26, 2013, Idle No More has cost cops $43K in OT, The First Perspective
- April 26, 2013, UN reviewing Canada’s treatment of indigenous people, The Windsor Star
- April 24, 2013, Agreement with feds signed 'under duress': First Nation, Winnipeg Free Press
- April 24, 2013, Why First Nations can't 'just get over it', BayToday.ca
- April 23, 2013 Canada's Constitutional Beginnings through Wampum, Black Face Blogging
- April 23, 2013, Walking for Mother Earth in Regina, Leader Post
- April 23, 2013, Minister sorry for telling NDP MP to listen to her dad, CBC News
- April 22, 2013, Star obtains documents outlining federal objectives for meeting with aboriginal leaders, The Toronto Star
- April 17, 2013, Youth 4 Lakes walkers pressing for better care of our waters, Atikokan Progress
- April 17, 2013, Lighting a Spark on the High Plains, The New York Times
- April 12, 2013, Activists challenge Brad Wall on energy, environment, Prince Albert Daily Herald
- April 10, 2013, Idle No More movement 'different' from anything the government had ever seen before, documents reveal, Calgary Herald
- April 9, 2013, Idle No More: What It Is & How You Can Get Involved (Details), BerBice Market
- April 3, 2013, Dad stands behind teen activist's trek, Winnipeg Free Press
- April 2, 2013, Chief Theresa Spence to receive heritage award at annual Fergus Aboriginal Festival, The Record
- April 1, 2013, Distrust of Harper government grows over First Nations funding rules, The Globe and Mail
- April 1, 2013, Chiefs prepare to break ranks with AFN on treaty process, The Globe and Mail
Media Releases - March 2013:
- March 27, 2013, Feds 'blackmailing' First Nations into signing away their power over water, resource development for continued funding, say some First Nations chiefs, The Hill Times
- March 28, 2013, A primer on treaties coming soon, Winnipeg Free Press
- March 27, 2013, At Seattle Idle No More Event, A Mix of Ceremony and Protest, Yes! Magazine
- March 25, 2013, Idle No More: Bernard Valcourt To Meet Young First Nations Members After Marathon Trek, Huffington Post
- March 23, 2013, Two-month 'Journey of Nishiyuu' nears end for Cree youth and supporters, CTV News
- March 23, 2013, Idling No More, The Tyee
- March 22, 2013, Union leader joins Nishiyuu Walkers as they reach Ottawa, Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada
- March 22, 2013, Idle No More spokesperson says Harper government continuing First Nations 'smear campaign' in newly-released budget, Yahoo! News
- March 21, 2013, Canadian and U.S. natives vow to block oil pipelines, Planet Ark
- March 20, 2013, Canadian and U.S. natives vow to block oil pipelines, Yahoo! News
- March 20, 2013, Do Our Discussions Discriminate Against Indigenous Canadians?, TVO
- March 20, 2013, Chief storms out of court during hearing over mining blockades, Winnipeg Free Press
- March 20, 2013, First Nations say they will fight oilsands, pipeline, MSN News
- March 19, 2013, Straight From The Heart - Idle No More - reprint from Interlake Enterprise
- March 18, 2013, Lawsuit not scaring First Nation, Winnipeg Free Press
- March 18, 2013, Idle No More, Defenders of the Land form alliance, call for "Sovereignty Summer, Aboriginal Peoples Television Network
- March 15, 2013, 'Idle No More Quebec' issues global call to action for three days in March, examiner.com
- March 15, 2013, Harper Government Pressures Poorest Community To Sign Agreement Despite Court Injunction, Wabanaki Press
- March 15, 2013, Scapegoat for a movement? Ron Plain struggles to fight charges for Idle No More action, Rabble.ca
- March 14, 2013, Think aboriginal rage has cooled? Think again. iPolitics
- March 8, 2013, First Nations chief draws attention to oil sands threat at international tourism expo in Germany, Vancouver Observer
- March 1, 2013, No force more powerful, Briarpatch Magazine
Media Releases - February 2013:
- February 28, 2013 Idle No More: It's really all about love, Rabble
- February 28, 2013 Red Lake Pipeline Blockade initiated in northern Minnesota, Indigenous Environmental Network
- February 22, 2013 Montreal Gazette article
- February 20, 2013 Thompson Citizen article
- February 14, 2013,
Idle No More: What happens next?, Nothern Ontario's First Nation Voice
- February 10, 2013 INM Letter of Solidarity for Mi'kmaq Hunger Strike, Idle No More
- February 10, 2013, Sylvia McAdam: Canada and a devastated indigenous land, The Prisma
- February 9, 2013, Protests greet talks, The StarPhoenix
- Idle No More Is About the Environment, Too, Vice
- February 6, 2013, Birch Island youth becomes 'Fax Mob', The Manitoulin Expositor
- February 8, 2013, Is this just the beginning of Idle No More?, Rabble.ca
- February 8, 2013, Idle no more 'has it right': LaForme, Legal Feeds
- February 7, 2013, Why Canada's Indigenous Uprising Is About All of Us, Yes! Magazine
- February 2, 2013, Opposition MPs say relationship between feds, First Nations at a 'tipping point', The Hill Times Online
Media Releases - January 2013:
- January 29, 2013, Silent No More: A Sikh Response to the Idle No More Movement, Ian Ki'laas Caplette
- January 28, 2013, Over 800 attend Idle No More rally at Manitoba legislature, CBC News
- January 28, 2013, Tories dig in on first-nations legislation, The Globe and Mail
- January 28, 2013, Commons welcomed back amid Idle No More protest, CBC News
- January 26, 2013, Canadian churches respond to Idle No More, Winnipeg Free Press
- January 25, 2013, Idle No More Special Edition of The Current, CBC Radio
- January 25, 2013, The Costs of Staying Idle on Aboriginal Issues, Huffington Post
- January 25, 2013, Music & Idle No More: RPM on CBC's The Current, Revolutions Per Minute
- January 23, 2013, Idle No More Indigenous sovereignty and environmental protections Strategy for INM, grassroots and supporters
- January 23, 2013, Draft version of Declaration of Commitment that prompted end of Chief Theresa Spence's liquids-only protest, Toronto Star
- January 20, 2013, Canada has failed native population, says Brian Mulroney, The First Perspective
- January 20, 2013, Think Chief Spence Is on a "Liquid Diet"? I Think You're Ignorant, Huffington Post
- January 19, 2013, Tantoo Cardinal: Idle No More like 'a ground fire that's been smouldering for a long time', Rabble.ca
- January 18, 2013, Manitoba Chiefs Issue Request to Executive Committee of AFN, NetNewsLedger
- January 17, 2013, Decolonize yourself, The McGill Daily
- January 17, 2013, Idle No More Deserves Our Thanks, Canadian Legal Ease
- January 16, 2013, Fish Broth & Fasting, DividedNoMore
- January 16, 2013, Still Don't Know What #IdleNoMore Is About? Here's a Cheat-Sheet, Huffington Post
- January 15, 2013, Michaëlle Jean compares some First Nations' living conditions to Haiti, CBC News
- January 14, 2013 Manitoba Grand Chief Nepinak - Statement on Misunderstandings and Misrepresentations, NetNewsLedger
- January 12, 2013, A day of protests and a closed-door meeting: What was accomplished?, Rabble.ca
- January 12, 2013, Atleo discusses meeting with Harper, divisions among First Nations, CBC Radio
- January 12, 2013 Idle No More Movement: Best Of The Blogs On HuffPost Canada, Huffington Post
- January 11, 2013, Why Idle No More Has Resonated with Canadians, Common Dreams
- January 11, 2013, Idle No More: Think Occupy, But With Deep Deep Roots, Common Dreams
- January 10, 2013, Idle No More, Meet the Norwegians, The Tyee
- January 10, 2013, First Nations: The media misses the point - again, iPolitics
- January 10, 2013, Idle No More Rises to Defend Ancestral Lands—and the Planet, Yes! Magazine
- January 9, 2013, Why First Nations Movement Is Our Best Chance for Clean Land and Water, Yes! Magazine
- January 9, 2013, Idle No More: Indigenous Uprising Sweeps North America, Yes! Magazine
- January 9, 2013, Idle No More, inside and out, CBC News
- January 7, 2013 The New York Times article
Page updated Sat, May 31, 2014