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System Change, Not Climate Change Launched 24 September 11

system change logo The System Change project, launched by the Council of Canadians, aims to raise awareness about climate change and climate justice, and help move awareness into action, both in Canada and globally. is a free, public, interactive website – a multi-media tool for climate justice. Multiple videos are available. These can be viewed with your friends or family, or within your organization, union or group. The interactive website also supports Canadians making lifestyle choices that help reduce environmental impacts and contribute to a more equitable future.

Teach-Ins, a took kit, and ongoing interactive content with a focus on real solutions for both environmental and social justice are planned. Speakers featured in the videos include First Nation, union, media, and environmental leaders from Canada.

View System Change Not Climate Change web site
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Canada's Environment Minister Announces 'Fracking' Studies 24 September 11

frack water Minister Peter Kent announced two separate reviews on the science and use of hydraulic fracturing by the energy industry in Canada and its impact on the environment. The Council of Canadian Academies will conduct a review that will take up to two years, and Environment Canada officials will also conduct a review. Hydraulic fracturing is increasing as the industry accesses shale containing natural gas.

Jurisdictions around the world are halting fracking operations, and reviewing the technology and environmental effects, including New York State, State of New Jersey, Quebec, France, South Africa, and Finland.

The EPA in the US is also studying potential impacts of the fracking process on drinking water and groundwater.

'Fracking' is defined in the Oxford online dictionary as a verb that is a synonym for hydraulic fracturing. This is a form of natural gas extraction that consistently pollutes drinking water around drilling sites. This method was featured in the 2011 Oscar-nominated documentary "Gasland".

Hydraulic fracturing involves injecting water often mixed with sand and chemicals under high pressure, typically through horizontal wells, to break up tight rock formations thousands of metres underground.

View June 2011 Food & Water Watch report
View Fracking the Future website
View Gasland The Movie website
Watch Gasland Trailer 2010
View September 22, 2011 Montreal Gazette article
View September 22, 2011 Calgary Herald article
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Environment Forum Tests Party Speakers 18 September 11

ballot box Manitoba Eco Network co hosted the Manitoba 2011 Election Environment Forum Wednesday, September 14 with the Green Action Centre, Manitoba Council of Women, and Green Action Committee of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Winnipeg.

Each Manitoba political party sent a speaker: Jennifer Howard for Manitoba New Democrats, Heather Stephanson for PC Party of Manitoba, Paul Hesse for Manitoba Liberal Party, and James Beddome for Manitoba Green Party.

Prepared questions for all parties and party statements included a range of environmental issues like :

  • Manitoba's second highest in Canada ranking for materials going to landfill
  • Manitoba's slow pace reducing green house gas emissions
  • Ban on cosmetic pesticides like other provinces and some Canadians cities
  • Wetlands loss, the need for restoration and retention and health of Lake Winnipeg
  • Flood adaptation and compensation to avoid a repeat of 2011 losses
  • Consultation standards to listen better to Manitobans' concerns
  • Current peat mine dispositions banned by the Save Lake Winnipeg Act June 2011
  • Removal of mining from Manitoba parks
  • Manitoba Hydro development intentions (both dams and transmission)

Questions from the packed house were aimed at all parties and ended the evening on a note of common concern for Manitoba's environment.

View Green Action Centre blog about the Environment Forum
View September 14, 2011 Winnipeg Environment Forum on YouTube
Visit Elections Manitoba website
Visit NDP Website
Visit PC Party Website
Visit Liberal Party Website
Visit Green Party Website
Visit NDP Manitoba YouTube channel
Visit PC Party YouTube channel
Visit Liberal Party YouTube channel
Visit Green Party YouTube channel
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Manitoba Conservation Delays - Court Date Set 18 September 11

Tolko logo The judicial rule review regarding the logging road being built in Grass River Park by Tolko is moving slowing towards its court date.

In 2008 Wilderness Committee director Eric Reder identified the logging road proposal as a contradiction to Manitoba's new 'no logging' zones under the Parks Act. Appeals regarding the licence were rejected. With documentation and affidavits from Gaile Whelan Enns, manager of Manitoba Wildlands, the Wilderness Committee requested a rule review by a Queens Bench judge concerning the road and changes in the Act that for logging zones in Manitoba parks.

A court date of October 11, 2011 has been set. Manitoba Conservation has not filed any response to Wilderness Committee lawyers in the three months since statements and affidavits were filed with the court. It is likely Tolko resumed building the 'logging’ road recently.

"Manitobans love their parks," said Eric Reder, Campaign Director for the Manitoba Wilderness Committee. "This legal action is a respectful, responsible way to resolve the dispute between the government and the thousands of Manitobans who want their parks protected from logging."

View Manitoba Wildlands Tolko Industries Ltd. page
View Wilderness Committee Manitoba web site
View Manitoba Wildlands Manitoba Forest Companies & Tenure page
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Climate Reality Project Viewed by 8.6 Million 18 September 11

Climate Reality Project The Climate Reality Project launched by Al Gore on September 14 with hourly presenters around the globe moves into high gear after 8.6 million people watched the launch online People across the world held work place and community events to say: Climate change is real, it's happening now and the time to act is now Mr. Gore dedicated the Climate Reality Project by saying, "The deniers may have millions of dollars to spend, but we have a powerful advantage. We have reality." Next phases of the climate reality project begin immediately. More than 3,000 trained climate presenters are available to make the presentation to community events.

The Moving Planet global day of climate action September 24 will feature community events for a worldwide rally to demand solutions to the climate crisis. Each Moving Planet event will emphasize action and solutions to the increasing climate change crisis. The aim is for people to stand up for reality and share truth about the climate crisis. is sponsor for The Moving Planet day of action, with the Climate Reality Project.

Visit website
Watch Climate Reality Project: Videos
Watch The Making of Climate Reality on YouTube
Request a Climate Reality Project presentation
View Moving Planet Day of Action
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Maxim Coal Plant Loop Hole To Be Closed? 10 September 11

coal Canada's Environment Minister Peter Kent has set up public review of coal regulations, to take effect in 2015. At the same time Maxim Coal in Alberta is proposing a new coal plant that would pump out three million tonnes of pollution per year. Maxim's is the only new coal power plant being proposed in Canada.

Over forty diverse civil society organizations from across Canada signed a letter during summer 2011 calling on federal Environment Minister Peter Kent to protect the integrity of Canada's forthcoming coal regulations. They asked the minister to ensure that no proposal evades Ottawa's coal rules.

"Coal is the worst offender among fossil fuels when it comes to producing the pollution that cause global warming," says Steven Guilbeault of Équiterre. "Studies have shown that Alberta can meet its future electricity needs without building new coal plants."

Recently Minister Kent has said he never intended to create a loophole that would prompt companies to build rule-breaking plants quickly.

"I'm sending a strong message that Canadians don't want that to happen, and these regs weren't designed to allow it to happen," Minister Kent said in a media interview.

View September 10, 2011 Winnipeg Free Press article
View September 9, 2011 Climate Action Network Canada News Release
View August 11, 2011 Équiterre article
View September 9, 2011 CTV News article
View Manitoba Wildlands Canada Climate Change Initiatives page
Source: NUPGE, David, Sierra Club Canada, Climate Action Network Canada, Équiterre
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Washington Pipeline Arrests Numerous 10 September 11

hand cuffs Bill McKibben of asked people to come to Washington DC to protest the Keystone XL pipeline. The location, in front of the White House, meant everyone was ready to be arrested. Over two weeks, from late August and a week into September, almost 1300 persons were arrested. Media coverage, bloggers, and social media followed the demonstrations, speeches, testimonials and daily arrests.

Both US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and President Obama have to sign off for the pipeline to be built. During the 2008 election campaign Obama said he would stop the pipeline. Property owners and citizens in many of the eight US states affected are objecting.

Canadians were among the first arrests in Washington. Church and faith groups, unions, environmental organizations, First Nations affected by the tar sands, academics, and communities all see risk from the pipeline, based on several recent pipeline leaks and the huge carbon and water footprint of bitumen mined in Alberta moved by pipeline to Texas refineries. Six leaks and an explosion have already occurred on the North Dakota section of the Keystone pipeline.

September 26, on The Hill in Ottawa, Canada, is a day of protest to stop the Keystone XL pipeline, and subsidies for oil projects. Over 150 Canadians have signed up to be arrested.

Public figures asking President Obama to stop the pipeline include: Dr. James Hansen, Leonardo Dipaprio, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Tantoo Cardinal, Margot Kidder, several Nobel Laureates, and the Dalai Lama.

View September 7, 2011 Nobel Women's Initiative article
View September 7, 2011 Iowa State Daily article
View September 9, 2011 The Tyee Opinion piece
View September 2, 2011 article
View September 2, 2011 The Star article
Watch April 19, 2011 Natural Resources Defense Council video video
Watch September 7, 2011 Yes Magazine video video
Source: The Tyee, NRDC,, Toronto Star, Iowa State Daily
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Opposition Parties Answer Election Surveys: NDP to Follow? 8 September 11

ballot box The Manitoba election writ was dropped by NDP leader and premier Greg Selinger September 6, 2011, with voting October 4, 2011. Manitoba Wildlands' 2011 election surveys were posted and in the hands of all four political parties well ahead of the election writ. Topics covered include: Lake Winnipeg, climate change, parks, Manitoba Hydro, the east side region, among others.

In spring 2011 Manitoba Wildlands began posting a series of over twenty 'reality checks' regarding Manitoba's environment, resources, and the public interest. These 'reality checks' cover a wider range of topics than the surveys, and point to public policy standards and actions or lack of action for Manitoba's environment.

Manitoba Wildlands has issued surveys for each Manitoba election since 1999. Past election surveys and results are posted on the website. The 2011 election surveys were posted on the Manitoba Wildlands government web page as soon as they went to political parties. Answers from the PC Party of Manitoba, The Manitoba Liberal Party, and The Green Party of Manitoba are now posted.

The Manitoba New Democratic party has been Manitoba's government since 1999. The 2011 surveys cover a range of existing programs, commitments, and gaps in protecting Manitoba's environment and resources. Seeking commitments from all political parties at election time puts a spotlight on Manitoba's environment and natural systems.

"Three opposition parties with fewer resources, and less access to information about Manitoba's environment, made the effort to answer these election surveys. But the NDP is not bothering. Manitobans might conclude that the opposition is more concerned about our environment than the NDP," said Gaile Whelan Enns, director Manitoba Wildlands.

The Manitoba New Democratic Party answered election surveys from Manitoba Wildlands, and WWF Canada for the 1999, 2003, and 2007 elections, and have indicated their survey responses will be forwarded.

View Manitoba Wildlands Reality Checks page
View Manitoba Wildlands Election 2011 Surveys
View Manitoba Wildlands Election 2011 Survey Answers
View Manitoba Wildlands Past Election Surveys pages
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Court Declaration Obeyed - Woodland Caribou Strategy Posted 27 August 11

woodland caribou In June 2011 the Pembina Institute went to court with the Alberta Wilderness Association, lawyers from Ecojustice, and three First Nations to argue the Government of Canada had illegally refused to recommend emergency habitat protections for woodland caribou in Alberta. They sought a declaration from the Court that the Minister's refusal to recommend an emergency order for the protection of the woodland caribou herds under the Species at Risk Act is unlawful and unreasonable. Judge Crampton, of Canada's federal court, agreed and gave Canada until September 1, 2001 to release a recovery strategy.

Steps to arrive at a national recovery strategy for woodland caribou, including steps to correct the lack of consultations with Aboriginal Peoples, had already spanned several years. Judge Crampton, of the Federal Court, included in his decision:

"..the Minister clearly erred in reaching his decision by failing to take into account the First Nations Applicants' Treaty Rights and the honour of the Crown in interpreting his mandate ..... The Decision ( Minister Kent's ) therefore warrants being set aside on that basis alone."

Woodland Caribou, Boreal population was listed on Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) as Threatened in 2003. Under the Species at Risk Act, the federal government is required to prepare a Recovery Strategy. The Recovery Strategy for boreal woodland caribou was due in June 2008, but had been delayed with a revised release date promised for June 2011. Environment Canada has now posted its Recovery Strategy for woodland caribou, with the a comments period until October 25, 2011.

View Canada federal court decision regarding habitat for oil sands woodland caribou
View David Suzuki Foundation boreal woodland caribou page
View April 24, 2009 David Suzuki Foundation article
View July 29, 2011 Pembina Institute blog post
View Environment Canada recovery strategy page
View Manitoba Wildlands Caribou Strategy page
Source: Suzuki Foundation, Pembina Institute, Federal Court of Canada
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U.S. Gives Pipeline Initial Green Light - Protest Continues 27 August 11

Keystone XL protest The U.S. State Department says TransCanada's proposed Keystone XL pipeline poses no major risks to the environment and will not spur further oil sands production in Alberta, moving the project one step further to a final decision.

The State department's Kerri-Ann Jones said Friday there's no evidence the pipeline will significantly impact the six U.S. states in its path as it carries crude from northern Alberta to Gulf Coast refineries in Texas. The Obama administration now has 90 days to determine whether the controversial project is in the national interest of the United States. Leading environmentalists say the State Department has refused to fully assess the risks.

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) said the State Department failed to study pipeline safety measures or examine alternate routes that would avoid the Ogallala aquifer in Nebraska, a crucial source of water.

Jim Lyon, senior vice-president of the National Wildlife Federation, said the analysis was "strike 3 for the State Department" after two "failed rounds" of environmental review and warned of legal woes ahead.

More than 300 people, including Canadian actresses Margot Kidder and Tantoo Cardinal, have been arrested as they demonstrate in front of the White House. The multi week non violent demonstration aims to convince U.S. President Barack Obama to block the pipeline. People from across North America are arriving and being arrested each day.

September 26 and 27 are target dates for Canadians to participate at the White House.

View August 25, 2011 Risking Arrest, Why I am going to Washington on September 26, 2011
View August 24, 2011 blog post
View August 24, 2011 blog post
Source: Canadian Press, NRDC,, Commons Dreams
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Mountaintop Removal Linked to Cancer 27 August 11

mountain top removal Mountaintop removal is killing American residents, according to a study entitled "Self-Reported Cancer Rates in Two Rural Areas of West Virginia With and Without Mountaintop Coal Mining," published in the peer reviewed Journal of Community Health.

"A door to door survey of 769 adults found that the cancer rate was twice as high in a community exposed to mountaintop removal mining compared to a non-mining control community," said Dr. Michael Hendryx, lead author of the study and Associate Professor at Department of Community Medicine, and Director of West Virginia Rural Health Research Center at West Virginia University.

"The study adds to the growing evidence that mountaintop mining environments are harmful to human health," added Hendryx.

Among the 1.2 million American citizens living in mountaintop removal mining counties in central Appalachia, an additional 60,000 cases of cancer are directly linked to the federally sanctioned strip-mining practice.

Appalachian leaders went to Washington, DC to deliver the new study and call on President Obama, EPA administrator Lisa Jackson, and Attorney General Eric Holder to put an immediate moratorium on mountaintop removal in West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia. The moratorium would be until federal regulatory agencies make a complete assessment of the spiraling health crisis related to mountaintop removal mining.

View July 27, 2011 Common Dreams article
View July 13th, 2011 YES Magazine article
View Self-Reported Cancer Rates Study from Journal of Community Health (PDF)
View July 27, 2011 Alternet blog post
Source:, Journal of Community Health, YES Magazine
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Democracy Week September 2011 27 August 11

Fair Vote Canada logo Fair Vote Canada is helping to organize the first annual Democracy Week, September 12 to 18th, 2011. Communities across Canada will hold events during the week long event, based on United Nations International Day of Democracy, September 15th, 2011.

Democracy Week is about participating, celebrating, understanding, and improving our Canadian democracy.

We are inviting organizations with diverse goals and membership, from all points on the political spectrum, from local community groups to national organizations, to participate by holding their own event during the week. These events could range from a speaker or forum on a political issue of interest to their group members or the community, to an artistic contribution such as a dance or film," states United Nations International Day of Democracy website.

View Fair Vote Canada website
View United Nations Democracy Day website
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