Manitoba Wildlands  
Manitoba Wildlands Posts Election Sources 26 September 08

Manitoba Wildlands logoDuring the Canadian federal election Manitoba Wildlands is posting sets of citizen resources, election web sites, and other materials. These all pertain to environmental and climate related issues and information.

Gaile Whelan Enns told Manitoba Wildlands, "This federal election has more environment content in parties' campaigns and news coverage than has ever happened before. Canadians' concerns for the future, for their natural world legacy, and responsibility to the rest of the world as a northern developed country are growing. Voters have an opportunity to choose where their vote will do the most for the environment.

Examples include: Climate Action Network Canada's election blog, the joint KyotoPlus campaign directed to citizens and candidates in the election, plus the web site which provides information on party standings in federal ridings where the election is close.

Each political party is also linked so access to their election platforms and other materials can easily be found by Canadians/ Manitobans seeking environmental and climate election announcements.

View Manitoba Wildlands' 2008 Federal Election Resources page
View Harris/Decima Election polling website

Sources: Manitoba Wildlands
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