Manitoba Wildlands  
Manitoba Deserves Transparency on Energy East 8 May 15

Environmental groups in Manitoba are raising questions about provincial energy costs and environmental risks associated with the proposed TransCanada Energy East tar sands pipeline, after an analysis of the project’s National Energy Board application revealed the size and extent of new pump stations and transmission lines needed across the province.

“People in this province need to hear about the tremendous investment this proposed pipeline needs from us in Manitoba,” said Eric Reder, Manitoba Campaign Director for the Wilderness Committee. “The large pumping stations needed to push bitumen across Manitoba will require 176 megawatts of power. This is roughly as much as the Wuskwatim dam generates.”

Alex Paterson of the Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition said what’s missing in the debate over Energy East is how Manitoba Hydro fits into the building of a national oil pipeline.

"We have a right to clear and informed information about the implications of our energy decisions in the province," Paterson said. "It also means that Manitobans of any stripe collectively deserve a right to say ‘no’ to any energy project."

Gaile Whelan-Enns, Manitoba WIldlands Director, said, “It’s time for Manitoba’s government to admit how many leases, work permits, water permits, and environmental licences they would issue to Energy East.’

View May 8, 2015 DeSmog Canada article
View May 7, 2015 Winnipeg Free Press article
Watch May 7, 2015 News Conference: Manitobans demand answers on provincial energy commitments for Energy East pipeline
View May 7, 2015 Wilderness Committee article
View May 7, 2015 Winnipeg Sun article
View January 13, 2015 CBC News article
View February 2014 Alternatives Journal article
View Manitoba Energy East Justice Coalition Mythbusting Energy East page
View Manitoba Wildlands Energy Development page

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