Manitoba Wildlands  
Audit Begun: Manitoba Climate Change 12 September 07

Manitoba Wildlands' OwlManitoba Wildlands is auditing the Manitoba government's climate change targets, actions and commitments.

Manitoba's 2002 climate change plan is approaching the five-year mark. Various targets for greenhouse gases (GHG) reductions have been released.

Premier Doer's claim during the spring 2007 election that 2001 Climate Change Task Force Report recommendations have been acted on caused Manitoba Wildlands to audit Manitoba's climate change commitments.

"Manitoba Wildlands decided to examine the state of government climate actions, and as a first product, we are releasing our analysis of 2001 Climate Change Task Force actions", said Gaile Whelan Enns, Manitoba Wildlands' Director. "Clearly there is more work to be done to address recommendations in this report."

Manitoba Wildlands found based on recommendations contained in the Executive Summary of the 2001 Climate Change Task Force:
  • Manitoba has not yet launched a comprehensive northern strategic initiative
  • Results of provincially funded climate change research are not all public
  • Manitoba has not yet defined it's climate change components of a continental energy policy
  • There is no clear set of information about the government's climate change policies
  • Manitoba has no GHG reductions reporting
"Manitobans realize current Manitoba GHG emissions are significantly higher than in 1990 (the baseline year for Manitoba government commitments)," concluded Ms. Whelan Enns. Manitoba Wildands will continue its audit, and release work products and analysis over the next week.

View 2007 NDP election commitment regarding the 2001 Manitoba Climate Change Task Force report (refer to page 5) (PDF)
View Manitoba Wildlands listing of 2001 Manitoba Climate Change Task Force report recommendations (PDF)
View Manitoba Wildlands' September 2007 analysis September 2001 Manitoba Climate Change Task Force report actions provided by Manitoba government (PDF)
View Manitoba Wildlands' September 2007 document regarding Manitoba GHG emissions reductions targets, reporting and actions (PDF)
View Manitoba Wildlands 2007 election survey regarding Climate Change
View Manitoba Wildlands climate change pages

Sources: Government of Manitoba, Manitoba Wildlands

Manitoba Wildlands2002-2014