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The Bangkok Climate Change Talks (March 31st to April 4th, 2008) followed the December 2007 meeting of the world's Environment Ministers in Bali, Indonesia.
The Bangkok talks were the first formal negotiations for a United Nations climate treaty since the Kyoto Protocol was negotiated 1995-97. Countries have until the end of 2009 to reach a new climate treaty. The aim is for there to be no gap between the end of the first phase of the Kyoto Protocol in 2012 and beginning new global pact.
Visit UNFCCC pages for the Bangkok Climate Change Talks
The main objective in Bangkok was to arrive at a work programme for the next two years. Plans are now in place for another seven rounds of negotiations in the next 18 months to tackle global warming.
One of the most contentious issues at the Bangkok meetings was a proposal put forward by Japan to set industry-specific emissions reduction targets. China, India and other developing countries objected, saying it was an attempt to shift the burden of responsibility for climate change from rich to poor nations. Developing countries also want rich countries to agree to set national targets first.
Negotiators agreed to postpone in-depth discussion of the Japanese proposal until the August 2008 meeting in Ghana.
Negotiators will meet in Bonn June 2008, in Ghana August 2008 and environment ministers meet in Poznan, Poland, December 2008.
The Bonn meeting in June, Germany will focus on rich countries transferring clean technologies to developing states.
 By Fred Curatolo larger version |
View Reuters Fact box on 2008 Bangkok Climate Talks
Representatives from Climate Action Network (CAN) International and CAN-RAC Canada also attended the Bangkok Climate Change Talks as observers.
Visit Climate Action Network International webpage for the Bangkok Climate Change Talks
View Climate Action Network International daily bulletin from Bankok talks
CAN made an intervention at the opening plenary of the new Ad hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Climate Convention. It emphasized -
- setting new national GHG emission reduction targets must be a science-based process
- increased emphasis on energy efficiency and renewable energy
- expanding nuclear power is unsustainable and unacceptable
- Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) needs to be revised to ensure delivery of real benefits
- Land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) rules must be revised to ensure protection of biodiversity and indigenous rights, and they must not create a substitute for reductions in industrial greenhouse gas emissions
- negotiations need to include emissions from international aviation and maritime activities such as shipping
Download CAN International Intervention at Bangkok Climate Change Talks to Ad hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (DOC)
Sources: UNFCCC, Reuters, Canadian Press, Associated Press, Climate Action Network International