2008 UN Climate Meetings: COP 14 & CMP4 - Poznan, Poland
From December 1-12, 2008, governments and official delegations from around the world gather in Poznan, Poland for 'COP-14', the annual United Nations climate change meetings. COP-14 refers to the Fourteenth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the Climate Change Convention (this is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - the UNFCCC).
Visit the UNFCCC webpages for COP-14 in Poznan
COP-14 is held concurrently with CMP4, the Fourth Session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (this is the meeting of countries, including Canada, that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol).
These meetings follow the Bali, Indonesia December 2007 COP-13 meetings, which launched negotiations for 'Kyoto II' - a new global agreement to build upon Kyoto, renew emissions reductions commitments and extend climate change measures beyond 2012. The Bali meetings established a framework for these negotiations, agreeing that Kyoto II commitments must be guided by climate science. These globally significant negotiations conclude December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark, when governments have agreed to put together a final post 2012 deal.
The Poznan meetings are the first major stop on the road to Copenhagen in 2009. Environmental groups, including Climate Action Network Canada, are hoping the Canadian Government will take a different approach than for the Bali 2007 meetings and make a concerted effort to seek solutions, avoiding actions that could block progress. 700 members of Climate Action Network International are attending the Poznan meetings, 50 of whom are from Canada.
Download the November 2008 Backgrounder, 'UN Climate Negotiations in Poznan, Poland' from the Pembina Institute
For more information and to follow the Poznan, December 2008 UN climate meetings visit the following web pages:
December 11, 2008 "We need a Green New Deal" UN speech
Poznan statement from the Climate Justice Now! alliance
Sierra Club Canada: Citizen's Guide to COP 14, Poznan 2008 (PDF)
December 15, 2008 Op-Ed: Canada Blocks Climate Change Progress, Pembina Institute
December 10, 2008 Op-Ed: Will Canada Fight the Climate Threat as Well as the Economic Crisis? Pembina Institute
IISD Poznan - Summary and Analysis
December 13, 2008 United Nations Climate Change Conference - Poznan, Poland Lays Foundation for Copenhagen Deal, UN
CUPE website
December 12, 2008 Opinion: Keeping bad company, Ottawa Citizen
December 13, 2008 Editorial: Canada drags feet on climate change, Toronto Star
December 11, 2008 Statement by Canadian Environmental Organizations at the U.N. Climate Talks in Poznan
December 8, 2008 Speech: A Global Contract, Norway Minister of Finance (PDF)
Canadian Youth Delegation website
Deep Reductions, Strong Growth A Canadian Report
The Inuvik Declaration on Arctic Climate Change and Global Action
Treading Hot Water: Climate Negotiations in Poznan, International Rivers
PEW Center on Global Climate Change - COP 14, Poznan section
Pembina Institute's Climate Change web page 'Global Obligations'
December 2, 2008 Pembina Institute press release
Pembina Institute's Poll: Canadians Want Action on Global Warming Despite Economic Downturn (PDF)
Climate Action Network Canada's web page on 'COP 14 Poznan'
International Institute for Sustainable Development coverage of Poznan
Fossil of the Day Awards, Video of Fossil Awards 
'The World Is Watching' campaign web sites:
ECO NGO Newsletters:
Poznan ECO 9 (PDF)
Poznan ECO 7 (PDF)
Poznan ECO 6 (PDF)
Poznan ECO 5 (PDF)
Poznan ECO 4 (PDF)
Poznan ECO 3 (PDF)
Poznan ECO 2 (PDF)
Poznan ECO 1 (PDF)
Understory, the offical blog of Rainforest Action Network
CUPE Environment Blog
Climate Observatory Blog
Equiterre Blog (en francais)
Climate Crisis: Countdown to Copenhagen, Sierra Club Canada Blog
François Décary Gilardeau, L'Agence Science-Presse Blog (en francais)
In Hot Water, International Rivers Blog
CYD-Poznan, Canadain Youth Delegation Blog
It's Getting Hot in Here, Canadian Youth Delegation Blog
Chris Henschell, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society Blog
Media Releases:
December 13, 2008 Climate change: Main outcomes of UN's Poznan talks, AFP
December 14, 2008 It's Time To Aim Low, Grist
December 3, 2008 ENVIRONMENT: Native Peoples Out in Cold at Warming Meet, IPS
December 13, 2008 Scientist dropped from climate delegation to save money: Prentice, CBC
December 12, 2008 Little Progress At Poland Climate Summit, But Change is Coming, Union of Concerned Scientists
December 15, 2008 Australian emissions proposal draws fire, AP
December 13, 2008 Countdown to Copenhagen: After Blocking Progress at Poznan Climate Talks, Canada Must Change Course, Pembina Institute
December 12, 2008 Prentice defends Tory position at climate talks, CTV.ca
December 10, 2008 Canada accused of blocking progress on climate, Canadian Press
December 10, 2008 The Harper chill factor, Montreal Gazette
December 10, 2008 Canada ranked near bottom in list of climate change fighters, Canada.com
December 11, 2008 Government orders youth to tear down oil sands display at climate negotiations, Toronto Star Blogs
December 11, 2008 Canada criticized for lax approach to environment, Globe and Mail
December 10, 2008 How to Save the Climate from the Recession, Siegel
December 7, 2008 Native hunters say climate affecting herds, Associated Press
December 7, 2008 Climate Protesters Demand Swifter UN Action, Reuters
December 4, 2008 Canadian Youth Announce No Confidence in Current Climate Policy
December 5, 2008 The Pembina Institute
December 2, 2008 Equiterre (PDF)
Act Now! Friends of the Earth International 
Animation For Global Day of Action, 350.org 
Poznan press briefing on the fifth day of the Conference 