G20 demonstration organizer Alex Hundert, 30, was arrested at home the day before June 2010 Toronto G20 demonstrations began. He was charged with three counts of conspiracy related to organizing demonstrations. Released on $100,000 bail in July under strict conditions, including house arrest, and Hundert was prohibited from participating in any public demonstrations. Hundert was arrested for breaching his bail conditions when he appeared in a Ryerson University seminar about the G20 summit. Hundert plead guilty for breaching his bail January 24, 2011. This means the question of whether a university panel constitutes a public demonstration will not be adequately answered by the courts.
"I made this plea because I realized I was doing no good to anyone as I sat in jail... I took a deal that would allow me to get back into my community where I can continue to commit myself to issues of social and environmental justice," said Hundert.
"What we are challenging here is the way in which policing and correctional resources were used when there was no threat to public safety," said Nathalie Des Rosiers, a lawyer for the Canadian Civli Liberties Association. "That's a concern all Canadians should have."
Of the more than 1000 G20 protest arrests, only 99 criminal charges remain outstanding. The rest have been withdrawn by the Crown.
Several investigations and class action lawsuits into police actions and arrests during the G20 summit are ongoing. At least one Toronto Police officer, Const. Andalib-Goortani, has been charged with two counts of assault following investigations by Ontario's Special Investigation Unit.
View February 2, 2011 Toronto Star article
View February 2, 2011 Globe and Mail article
View January 31, 2011 Canadian Civil Liberties Association press release
View January 31, 2011 Montreal Gazette article
View January 28, 2011 press release on Rabble.ca
View January 27, 2011 Montreal Gazette article
View January 23, 2011 Globe and Mail article
View January 19, 2011 Alex Hundert statement
View Toronto G20 Solidarity Network website
Sources: Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail
Charges out against nearly 100 people arrested on the University of Toronto (U of T) campus by the Toronto Police during Toronto's G20 summit weekend were thrown. Nearly 100 Toronto police officers will be disciplined for removing their name tags during the G20 summit.
The arrestees were mainly Quebeckers who traveled to Toronto for the summit, and billeted at a gymnasium in a U of T building. Early on the morning of Sunday, June 27, police raided the building and rounded up nearly 100 people. They were charged with conspiracy to commit a criminal act. Police did not obtain a warrant because they thought they did not need one. The Crown decided otherwise, and dropped all charges related to the June 27 arrest.
Faced with numerous complaints and pictures which showed Toronto Police not wearing their badges as required, the Toronto Police launched an investigation and identified nearly 100 officers who were not wearing their name tags. The officers now face disciplinary measures of lost days pay.
"The entire system of police accountability turns in large measure on individuals who believe they have legitimate concerns having an ability to address those concerns with some certainty. If police or anyone in a position of authority has the ability to not disclose their identity, it raises a series of concerns both for the individual involved but also on a broader, societal level," said Toronto lawyer Eric Gillespie, who's heading up one of two class actions related to the G20.
In addition to the Toronto Police Services' internal review, numerous other reviews are underway: the Toronto Police Services Board has commissioned its own independent review led by John Morden - a former Associate Chief Justice of Ontario; Ontario's Office of the Independent Police Review Director is conducting a formal inquiry of policing over the weekend; the Ontario government has launched two reviews of the Publicworks Protection Act after an order in council gave police added powers they misrepresented to the public over the weekend; the Canadian government has initiated a Parliamentary review; the Special Investigations Unit, an arm's-length police watchdog, is looking into five incidents of serious injury to civilians involving police over the summit weekend; and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the National Union of Public and General Employees co-hosted two days of public hearings to examine police activity during the recent G20 Summit in Toronto on Nov. 10 and 11, 2010.
View November 3, 2010 and November 4, 2010 Globe and Mail articles
View November 4, 2010 CTV News article
View November 10, 2010 Toronto Sun article
View November 10, 2010 Toronto Star article
View November 10, 2010 Rabble.ca live coverage
View November 11, 2010 National Union of Public and General Employees article
Source: The Globe and Mail
A woman who says she was in a crowd detained by police for hours at a Toronto intersection during a G20 protest has launched a $45-million class-action lawsuit against the Toronto Police Services Board and Canada's Attorney General.
Sherry Good is acting as the representative plaintiff for more than 800 people who claim they were wrongfully arrested during the G20 summit in late June, 2010. She is one of approximately 500 people who were corralled by hundreds of riot police at the intersection of Queen Street West and Spadina Avenue for several hours in the rain on June 27.
"The vast majority of the arrests and detentions over the course of the G20 weekend were unlawful and unjustified, as well as unconstitutional," outlines the statement of claim.
"The Toronto Police Services Board is being sued because it is the legal entity charged with overseeing the majority of the police activity that took place that weekend," states Eric Gillespie, one of the lawyers representing Good and others in the class action suit.
The Attorney General of Canada has been named because "it is the legal representative of the RCMP, who also had a significant role, it appears, in the events that transpired at that time," he said.
At least 1,000 people were arrested during the summit, June 26-27, 2010 in downtown Toronto.
Download Notice of Action Filed by Sherry Good against the Toronto Police Service Board and Attorney General of Canada (PDF)
Visit G20 Class Action Lawsuit Website
View August 6, 2010 CBC News article
View August 6, 2010 Globe and Mail article
View August 6, 2010 CTV News article
View August 6, 2010 Toronto Star article
Source: CBC News
G8 Meeting in Canada
Canada will host the 2010 G8 summit on June 25-26, 2010 in Canada's Muskoka region, Huntsville, Ontario.
The Group of Eight (G8) brings together some of the world's major economies: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Muskoka will be the fifth G8 summit hosted by Canada since the country joined the international forum in 1976. The Muskoka 2010 Summit will be a key opportunity for discussion of international issues, such as human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
Visit Government of Canada G8 Website
G20 Meeting in Canada
Canada will also host the 2010 G20 Summit, set to take place June 26-27, 2010 in Toronto, Ontario. The G20 2010 Summit will provide an opportunity to world leaders to follow through on previous commitments and to continue the work of building a stronger and more sustainable global economy.
Under the theme of Recovery and New Beginnings, the G20 Toronto Summit will focus three key topics, financial sector reform, stimulus programs, and global trade and growth, while continuing to focus on implementation commitments made during previous G20 summits.
Visit Government of Canada G20 Website
View Statement by the Prime Minister of Canada (Video)
Other International Meetings
The 2010 G8 and G20 international meetings present an opportunity for Canadian civil society organizations to strengthen their collective voices and focus global issues such as environment, climate change, poverty, human rights and social justice.
The 2010 People's Summit is being hosted in Toronto the week before the G8/G20 meetings, June 18-20, 2010. The goals of this meeting include:
- Facilitating civil society and affected communities participation for a fair and democratic process.
- Conducting effective advocacy, education, awareness building and civil society proposals on global and local issues around the 2010 G8/G20 Summits.
- Prioritizing community building and achieving results through collective activities.
- Promoting solidarity through peaceful activities.
The 2010 World Religions Summit: Interfaith Leaders in the G8 Nations are meeting June 21st- 23rd, 2010, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. One of the goals of this meeting is to challenge the G8 nations to live up to previous commitments regarding the world's poorer nations, and to promote equity and justice.
View previous Manitoba Wildlands G8 coverage 
Visit The People's Summit, Register
Visit World Religions Summit 2010
View 2010 Canadian G8 Civil Society Coordinating Committee
View Manitoba Wildlands April 21st, 2010 News item 
Sources: People's Summit and World Religions Summit, Government of Canada
Manitoba Wildlands will be providing selected and recommended links for news, reports, and analysis regarding the G8 and G20 Meetings June 2010. Media releases and clips will be listed by: Pre Meetings, During, and After. Sub pages will appear below.
During-Meetings Links:
Climate Action Network - Real Time Climate Coverage
G20 and G8 Summit Protest Reporting
Make Poverty History
G8/G20 Toronto Community Mobilization Network
World Religions Summit 2010
G8/20 Toronto Community Mobilization
Robin Hood Tax
Make Poverty History
WorldShift 2010
At the Table 2010
Halifax Initiative
Munk Centre G8 Information
Munk Centre G20 Information
Republic of Korea G20 website
The Sherpa Times International Summits
Climate Action Network
G8/G20 2010 Interfaith Partnership Online Petition
PowerShift G8/G20 on Facebook
Canadian Youth Climate Coalition
Vancouver Peoples Summit
Amnesty International Independent review of G20 security measures urgently needed
WWF's Ice Bear Project
Rabble livestreaming Shout Out For Global Justice!
TAKE ACTION: Put climate change on the G8 agenda
Canadian Mining and Free Trade in Central America
Shout Out for Global Justice!
People's Assembly on Climate Justice: Moving Forward From Cochabamba
Manitoba Wildlands Calendar of Events
The 2010 People's Summit
G8 & G20 Public Rally and March
Countdown to the G8 and G20! Climate RALLY and Info Night
Kairos G20 Climate Justice Tour, Canada, June 14-19
The 2010 People's Summit: Building a Movement for a Just World, Toronto, June 18-20
Oxfam Gender Justice Summit, Toronto, June 18-20
Vancouver Peoples' Summit 2010: Take your place at the Table! Vancouver, June 20
2010 World Religions Summit: Interfaith Leaders in the G8 Nations, Winnipeg, June 21-23
Power Shift tour on the People's Bus, Canada, June 24-27
Interim report: A Breach of the Peace, Canadian Civil Liberties Association
Muskoka Accountability Report
UPDATED: June 22, 2010 Backgrounder on the case for climate action, Pembina Institute
Delivering on the G-20 commitment to reform fossil-fuel subsidies, Global Subsidies Initiative
G8/G20 Summits 2010 Position Paper, WWF
The Toronto G20 primer, The Globe and Mail
May 6, 2010 Presentation on Climate Change at the G8, Pembina Institute
G20: "WE WERE 5 GIRLS IN A 6 BY 6 FOOT CAGE", YouTube 
Toronto Neighborhod Defends G20 Activists, YouTube 
Arrested at the G20, YouTube 
G20 Brutality several, YouTube 
At The G20 Fence: Mel Bazil, Defenders of the Land, YouTube 
Kim Carstensen, closing statement on G8 and G20 Summit 2010, YouTube 
EXPOSED! G20 Toronto Police Agent Provocateurs in Video and Photos, YouTube 
Toronto G20 protests: 'Police State' Resistance or Vandalism?, Russia Today 
Demo against Police Repression/G20 Solidarity Montreal, YouTube 
Dr. Vandana Shiva: G8/20 created to silence global majority, Rabble TV 
Young woman tells of freezing, cramped conditions inside G8/20 detention centre, Rabble TV 
Police open fire on peaceful protesters at G20 
Resistance and Cooperation at the G20 Summit 
Zoe Caron, WWF Canada (English) 
Police Surround Protesters and Attack - Queens Park Toronto - G20 
Paikin on police attack against peaceful protest 
Peaceful G20 protest at Queen & Spadina 
'Fortress Toronto' Set for G20 
Clare Demerse, Pembina Institute: G8/G20 Expectations 
World Religions Summit 2010 Live Stream 
Wangari Maathai: G8/G20 Climate Change Message 
Environmental Justice Day of Resistance 
Zoe Caron, WWF: Climate Change at the G8/G20
Labour Leaders Criticize Police Actions Ahead of the G20, CBC News Desk 
G20 Toronto @TrafficServices Explains Toronto Traffic Disruptions, YouTube 
G20 Toronto Community Mobilization Network Press Conference, Toronto Media Co-op 
Who Suffers?, Global Financial Integrity 
The Green Jobs Campaign YouTube channel 
Canadians Demanding a Public Inquiry into Toronto G20 Photos
Maureen Dawson's Photos - G20 Toronto 2010
G20: CBC News
June 26, 2010: People First! We Deserve Better Public Rally and March
POST-Media Releases:
July 2010 Protesting the G20: A Waste of Time?, CCPA Manitoba
July 12, 2010 G8/G20 Communique: 10 reasons to have a G20 inquiry, rabble
July 16, 2010 Broken Social Scene Release Fan-Made Video in Response to G20 Summit, Spinner Canada
July 12, 2010 Tory filibuster seeks to block hearings on G20 policing, The Globe and Mail
July 10, 2010 G20 protests continue as 1,200 march, sit-in at Queen and Spadina, Toronto Star
June 30, 2010 Green party leader Elizabeth May joins calls for public inquiry on G20 security, straight.com
June 30, 2010 The Story of My Arrest & Detainment, Toronto Media Co-op
June 30, 2010 'No extra powers' granted to police during G20 summit: Liberals, Toronto Star
June 25, 2010 First 'secret law' arrestee plans Charter challenge, Toronto Star
July 7, 2010 Board review of G20 not enough, Toronto Star
July 5, 2010 Feds maintain fossil fuel incentives despite phase-out pledge, The Vancouver Sun
June 29, 2010 G20-related mass arrests unique in Canadian history, Globe and Mail
June 29, 2010 G20 reporters complain to police watchdog, CBC
July 2, 2010 Maude Barlow: 'The World Has Divided into Rich and Poor as at No Time in History', Democracy Now!
July 1, 2010 Climate change disappointment at the G8/G20, TckTckTck.org
June 30, 2010 'Weapons' seized in G20 arrests not what they seem, Globe and Mail
July 1, 2010 A timeline on the G20 five-metre rule that didn't exist, Globe and Mail
July 2, 2010 G20 protesters rally on Canada Day, Macleans
July 1, 2010 FIRST PERSON: Police Abuses at the G-20 Protests, The Indypendent
June 30, 2010 G20 Response: Letter to the Premier, Green Party of Ontario
June 30, 2010 NDP Calls For Hearings On G8/G20 Security, NDP
June 30, 2010 Joint lawsuit planned for G20 arrestees, Toronto Star
DURING-Media Releases:
June 28, 2010 Toronto cleaning up from G20 vandalism, CTV News
June 27, 2010 Downplaying discord, G20 leaders target deficit cuts, CTV News
June 26, 2010 Harper defends G8 as summit wraps up, CTV News
June 28, 2010 Investors cool to G20 austerity pledge, CBC News
June 30, 2010 Harper shut-out: NGOs excluded from G8, G20, Now Toronto
June 27, 2010 May Toronto's G20 Be the Last, Common Dreams
June 27, 2010 Report: Toronto Police Rough up Journalists, Arrest Peaceful Protesters at G20, Common Dreams
June 28, 2010 G20-related mass arrests unique in Canadian history, The Globe and Mail
June 28, 2010 Violence flares for second day on fringe of Toronto talks, AFP
June 28, 2010 Walkom: G20 flounders on economy after promising start, Toronto Star
June 24, 2010 Challenging Toronto's corporate security walls, Rabble.ca
June 22, 2010 Ban Urges Focus on Green Growth and the Millennium Development Goals Ahead of G20 Summit, UNEP
June 25, 2010 Fortress Toronto: Massive Security Clampdown for G8/G20 Meetings Most Expensive in Canadian History, Democracy Now
June 24, 2010 Canada flunks on indigenous rights, protesters say, Toronto Star
June 24, 2010 Federal government out of step with leading thinkers on sustainability, climate and energy issues: survey, Pembina Institute
June 24, 2010 Canada flunks on indigenous rights, protesters say, Toronto Star
How the G20 Will Affect Everyone, From Cyclists to Tourists, Torontoist
June 24, 2010 Climate change poses economic threat, Toronto Star
June 10, 2010 UN Secretary-General Urges G20 to Focus on Green Growth, Climate-L.org
June 21, 2010 Police make arrest at G20 protest, The Globe and Mail
June 14, 2010 Peacefully Protesting the G8 and G20, The Mark
June 23, 2010 G20 security prepared for any threat, at any cost, Globe and Mail
June 22, 2010 Protests continue in Toronto as G20 nears, CBC
June 21, 2010 Police Add Water Cannon to G20 Arsenal, Toronto Star
June 18, 2010 Gorrie: Dreaming of a G20 climate change end run, Toronto Star
PRE-Media Releases:
June 17, 2010 Oily activists demand clean energy, Toronto Sun
June 17, 2010 G20 protest group unveils 'convergence space', CTV News
June 18, 2010 Gorrie: Dreaming of a G20 climate change end run, Toronto Star
June 16, 2010 Canada's cold climate no excuse for poor environmental record, David Suzuki Foundation
CBC Blog - G20: The Summit and the Street
June 9, 2010 Who's who at the summits, CBC News
Oxfam calls on G20 leaders to support the Robin Hood Tax, Oxfam
Climate Action Network Canada response to decision to include climate change on G8 agenda, Climate Action Network Canada
June 14, 2010 'Alternative Summits' Embody a Grass-Roots Strategy for Change, Common Dreams
June 14, 2010 Tories put climate change on G8 agenda after pressure from world leaders, CP24
June 14, 2010 Green groups accuse Canada of G8, G20 environment snub, AFP
June 10, 2010 OECD Tells G20 Fossil Fuel Subsidies Should End, Planet Ark
June 9, 2010 WWF Recommendations and Asks for G8 and G20 Summits in 2010, WWF
June 4, 2010 G8 and G20 Summit Costs, Munk School for Global Affairs
June 11, 2010 Protesters vow to ignore G8 and G20 "designated speech areas" in Ontario, straight.com
June 3, 2010 VIA's Toronto operations relocated to avoid congestion during G20, VIA Rail
June 11, 2010 Why is Canada not putting climate change on the G20 agenda?, The Globe and Mail
June 11, 2010 G20 gets told (again): oil subsidies are a waste, WWF-Canada
June 11, 2010 How to get climate change on the G20 agenda, Toronto Star
June 9, 2010 Nobel laureates urge Harper to put climate on G20 agenda, The National Post
June 10, 2010 G20 leaders may discuss climate change: PM, CBC News
June 10, 2010 Greenpeace team starts Mount Logan climb to push G8/G20 politicians to act on growing climate crisis, Mike Hudema
June 2, 2010 Government and media smear tactics tar protesters, Rabble
June 8, 2010 G8, G20 security firm not licensed in Ontario, CBC News
June 7, 2010 G20 protesters already being monitored by officials, Toronto Sun
June 7, 2010 Tories pilloried for fake lake at G8/G20 media centre, The Globe and Mail
June 7, 2010 The Commons: Struggling to swim in their own reflecting pool, Maclean's
June 5, 2010 20 Days To The G20-20 Reasons The Youth Climate Movement Must Get Organized!, It's Getting Hot In Here
May 19, 2010
Top Italian policemen get up to five years for violent attack on G8 protesters, The Guardian
June 3, 2010 At $1.2 bn, G8/G20 summits will be costliest 72 hours in Canadian history, The Economic Times
May 12, 2010 UN Secretary General remarks to UN Associate of Canada - G8, UN News Centre
June 4, 2010 G8 to avoid thorny abortion, climate issues, CBC News
June 2, 2010, Paul Martin tells G20 to confront climate change, poverty, News1130
June 3, 2010 Canadians want climate change to top G8/G20 agenda, The Hook
June 3, 2010 der of the G20: Put climate change on the agenda, WWF
June 2, 2010 G20 Leaders Must Invest in Our Future. NOW! Sign to add your voice, WWF
June 2, 2010 Prime minister rejects Paul Martin's advice to expand limited G20 agenda, Winnipeg Free Press
Traffic/Perimeter Plans For G20 Summit Toronto, Toronto Police Service
May 29, 2010 PM ignoring vital climate change issue, LFPress
May 27, 2010 Toronto Police Get 'Sound Cannons' for G20, Common Dreams
May 13, 2010 Harper faces Stern words on climate, The Globe and Mail
May 27, 2010 Mexico's President pushes Ottawa to act on climate change, The Globe and Mail
May 26, 2010 Climate Action Network Canada Calls on Finance Minister to Take his Department's Advice and Phase out Fossil Fuel Subsidies, Climate Action Network Canada
May 30, 2010 Head in the (tar)sands, Ottawa Citizen
May 26, 2010 Phase out subsidies to oil and gas, Flaherty urged, Edmonton Journal
Kairos Times
Climate Prosperity, National Round Table on the Environment and Economy
May 20, 2010 Canada falling behind in green race: report, The Gazette
May 2010 G8/G20 The Dominion Special Issue, Toronto Media Co-op
April 29, 2010 Oxfam to G8: 'Stop Dithering', Sherpa Times
May 7, 2010 Tom Goldtooth's Press Statement NYC UN on Cochabamba, IEN
May 5, 2010 EU head urges Canada to act on climate change, CBC
May 5, 2010 EU leader publicly twists Canada's arm on climate change, bank levies, Winnipeg Free Press
May 3, 2010 Layton calls for G8 summit to discuss BP oil spill, Council of Canadians
April 29, 2010 WWF to PM: Will Climate be on the G8 Agenda? WWF Canada
April 29, 2010 It's time for high finance to come to the rescue, NOW Magazine
April 28, 2010 After Cochabamba, a new way forward?, 350.org
April 27, 2010 Does Canada Deserve a Place at the Table?, The Mark
April 23, 2010 Grassroots summit calls for international climate court, The Guardian
April 22, 2010 NDP want G8 environment meeting, Toronoto Sun
March 13, 2010 Call for a Global Leaders Forum, International Civil Society
The weekend before the G20 summit, Oxfam will host a Gender Justice Summit in Toronto June 18-20, 2010. Held at Ryerson University, and part of the People's Summit, The Gender Justice Summit will be a dynamic gathering of Oxfam supporters, academics, advocates, researchers, policy-makers, and activists from around the world. The themes of the summit will include gender-based violence, maternal health, poverty, security, climate change, food security and more.
Oxfam is an international aid and social justice organization, active in climate negotiations.
Visit Oxfam
View The Peoples Summit website
Source: Oxfam
Previously, civil society organizations called for a new multilateral international leaders'' forum to help govern the global economy. In response to current global crises and the importance of emerging economies, the G8 is also part of a new forum, the G20.
When promising to repair the global economy and build an inclusive and sustainable recovery, G-20 leaders injected 1.1 trillion dollars into many institutions whose economic, finance and trade policies lead to the current global economic situation.
The Halifax Initiative has stated that global governance reform must go hand in hand with an economic paradigm that promotes equity, justice and environmental sustainability, and governments fulfill their human rights obligations and all citizens are able to claim their rights. With Canada hosting both the G8 and G 20 meetings, 2010 is an opportunity to ensure G20 policies result in democratic and sustainable changes in the the world.
The Canadian Halifax Initiative, initiated a letter signed by over 100 international civil society organizations that calls on all governments to adhere to six key principles for renewing multilateralism and building a global leaders forum.
These key principles include:
- Inclusive of the poorest countries, starting with the African Union,
- Representation in composition,
- Transparency and accountability,
- A strengthened the role of the United Nations,
- Open to civil society.
View Sign-On Letter and List of Organizations for A Global Leaders Forum
View Halifax Initiative Website
View March 13, 2010 Common Dreams Article
Sources: The Halifax Initiative