Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd.
Louisiana-Pacific (LP) currently holds FML 03. Its environmental licence for its ten-year (1996-2005) forest management plan (FMP) expired December 31, 2005 (Licence No 2191E) and was extended by two years from January 1, 2006 to January 1, 2008. Louisiana-Pacific has also submitted an annual operating plan (AOP) that details its proposed harvesting and renewal activities for 2009. See Public Registry File No. 3893 for details.
LP's license area in Manitoba is the newest, farthest south forest management area in Canada. The upcoming licensing and planning process is the first renewal for the company.
LP established a website - the Swan Valley Forest Management Plan Website - in preparation for the submission of a new long-term forest management plan (FMP).
As outlined in LP's forest management agreement with the Province of Manitoba, LP is required to develop and submit for approval another long-term forest management plan before the current 10 Year Plan expires. The next long-term plan will provide an 'update' on LP's activities under the current plan and provide strategic direction for forest management activities into the future. This 'update' will incorporate new data from surveys and inventories that have been completed over the last 9 years. It will also integrate new knowledge and understanding of the Duck Mountain forest ecosystems we have learned from our many research and monitoring projects, as well as relevant studies from across Canada.
View Swan Valley Forest Management Annual Reports
Louisiana-Pacific's twenty-year forest management plan (FMP) is available on its website and is dated June 2006.
View Louisiana-Pacific's Sustainable Forest Management Plan (2006-2026)
Although it is public, LP has not formally submitted its 20-year plan to Manitoba Conservation or submitted a proposal under The Environment Act.
As of January 2007, there were no public indications of the next steps in the public review process or confirmation of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) guidelines, which LP is to use as the basis for its EIS and application for its new environmental license. Ministerial correspondence does confirm that the 1999 Guidelines for Ten Year Forest Management Plans are the basis for LP's new long term plan. It is expected that public hearings will be held as part of The Environment Act review of LP's Sustainable Forest Management Plan (2006-2026), but there has been no public notice as to terms of reference for a Clean Environment Commission hearing.
Information regarding the fate of the company's long term plan is contained in a letter filed by the Manitoba director of environmental approvals. The letter cites problems with response by LP to Manitoba Conservation concerns.
View the August 28, 2006 Manitoba Conservation letter to LP (JPG)
The impending review of LP's Sustainable Forest Management Plan (2006-2026) represents a unique opportunity for independent cumulative assessment of the assumptions and predictions that were the basis for approval of the 1995 Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd./TetrES Forest Management Plan/Environmental Impact Assessment. Independent cumulative assessments could be invaluable tools for improving the rigour of the review process for LP's long-term FMP. Manitoba Conservation recently completed an updated inventory for the Louisiana Pacific forest region in western Manitoba. This data is now available to compare with the assumptions of LPs 1995 FMP.
Dan Soprovich, former provincial biologist for the same forest region, has undertaken a comparison between forest growth assumptions in the 1995 Louisiana-Pacific Canada Ltd./TetrES Forest Management Plan (FMP)/Environmental Impact Assessment and 2004 Manitoba Conservation Forestry Branch wood supply analysis assumptions. The comparison document also examines the veracity of the Company/Consultant assumptions for the 1995- 2005 environmental license.
Mr. Soprovich's analysis indicates that in relation to the 'true' yield at age 60 (years since disturbance), the 1995 Louisiana-Pacific/TetrES assumptions were inflated by 2.07 times for the aspen forest, and by 2.53 times for the mixed deciduous forest (aspen, balsam poplar, and white birch).
Download Environmental Impact Assessment Information Note No.6: Trembling aspen and hardwood yield assumptions for Duck Mountain, Manitoba (PDF)
Manitoba Gives Louisiana Pacific 6 Year Free Pass
Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship licensing branch recently processed a six year extension of the LP forest management licence in western Manitoba, as "a minor alteration to Environmental Licence No 2191 E." The company requested an extension beyond one year annual extensions in December 2012 based on the need to "undertake consultation with Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship and the regional moose advisory committee for the long term conservation of the moose population within Forest Management Unit ( FMU ) 13."
The LP request was for the six year extension to 2019. This is based on the recent extension of the forest management licence agreement (FMLA) between Manitoba and LP, also to 2019. Prior to these decisions LP was operating on one year extensions due to the need to have a public review of its upgraded long term forest management plan.
The company made a commitment to update its Forest Management Plan based on a new moose strategy. This western Manitoba FMU is in the region of the province where moose are in the most trouble, and where the hunt has been closed. Conditions have been placed on this LP extension, but they are weak. It could be noted that the dramatic decrease in moose population in the region coincides with the time period since LP began operations in the region.
The long term forest management plan and operating plans for LP have not had thorough public review, or been subject to public hearings since 1997. In fact, no logging plan in Manitoba has gone to public review in a hearing since then. In 2010 all steps for Guidelines for an EIS for a new twenty year forest management plan for the LP operations were reviewed and posted. No environmental statement (EIS) for that new twenty year plan has been provided by the company. The EIS review is usually the basis for review, and decisions about extending the license.
In 2010 the Manitoba government allowed LP to turn off its pollution abatement equipment, which needed to be upgraded.
Appeals of that licence change under the Environment Act were rejected. The Swan Valley Forest Management website, maintained by LP includes a 2006 – 2026 forest management plan for logging activities to provide fiber to the LP Oriented Strand Board mill in Minotonas, in western Manitoba.
The status of government consultations with affected First Nations regarding: the extension of the legal agreement, extension of the forest management licence, or the moose strategy is not know at this time.
View Louisiana Pacific page in the Environment Act Public Registry
View Swan Valley Forest Management Plan Website
View Summary on Louisiana Pacific Oriented Strand Board Mill licence alteration
View Guidelines for Louisiana Pacific EIS for new long term forest management licence
View August 2010 Clean Environment Commission report
Guidelines Review
Manitoba Conservation released a set of draft guidelines for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/Effects Assessment (EA) regarding Louisiana-Pacific's (LP) upcoming twenty year forest management plan in 2010. Manitoba Wildlands responded to the draft guidelines. Among concerns contained in the Manitoba Wildlands comments is the use and reuse of the 1995 EIS Guidelines for LP's initial long-term forest management plan. Despite having updated planning guidelines for forest companies in Manitoba, the department continues to use EIS/EA guidelines that are out of date, and out of step, with the current regulatory and public policy framework for Manitoba's forests.
Download April 2010 Manitoba Wildlands Comments: Draft Guidelines for Louisiana Pacific Forest Management Plan (PDF) 
For copies of attachments, send request to Manitoba Wildlands
Download April 2010 Dan Soprovich Comments: Draft Guidelines for Louisiana Pacific Forest Management Plan (DOC)
LP Mill Pollution Being Investigated
Louisiana Pacific Corporation (LP), holder of the newest and most southern forest management and woodlands rights in Canada, is being investigated. The issue at the Swan Valley Manitoba oriented strandboard (OSB) mill centers on whether to allow emissions and pollution to be deregulated. Manitoba's Conservation minister approved a temporary shut down of the pollution abatement equipment at the LP OSB plant in Swan Valley early in 2009. No public review was conducted at that time.
Due to reaction from the community living around the mill, the minister asked Manitoba's Clean Environment Commission (CEC) to conduct an investigation and make recommendations as to whether permanent shut down of the pollution abatement equipment (called "regenerative thermal oxidizers" or RTOs) should be permitted. In the mid 1990's, with a different government in Manitoba, public pressure resulted in RTO equipment being installed at the OSB plant. The NDP, as Official Opposition, lobbied for the RTOs, siding with the community.
LP says it will save $3M a year in operating costs, and $10M by not having to replace the RTOs – and that these savings are key factors in decision to continue to operate the mill. LP holds a legal agreement with the Manitoba government, a licence for operation of the OSB mill, and a separate license for access to fibre. It is overdue to file a twenty-year forest management plan and undergo public review and hearings for renewal of its various licenses.
The CEC will be producing a report on the investigation that includes recommendations for the Minister of Conservation.
View CEC Manitoba - LP Oriented Strandboard Plant Air Emissions page
View Manitoba Government LP Public Registry files
Visit LP Swan Valley Forest website
View July 20, 2009 Larry Powell article at OnEarth
Sources: CEC, OnEarth, LP, Manitoba Government
CEC Investigation and Meetings: Louisiana-Pacific OSB Plant Emissions
On July 28 & 29, 2009, the Manitoba Clean Environment Commission (CEC) held public meetings in Swan River, Manitoba to investigate air emissions from Louisiana-Pacific's (LP) Oriented Strandboard (OSB) plant.
View transcripts of the July 2009 CEC public meetings
The CEC was directed by Manitoba's Minister of Conservation to hold meetings as part of its investigation to consider LP's request to permanently decommission its regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs) (see above for additional information). RTOs are pollution control equipment that help to reduce air emissions from the OSB plant.
View LP's existing January 2009 environmental licence (Licence No.2861) (PDF)
View LP's November 18, 2008 Licence Amendment Request RTO Elimination Cover Letter (PDF)
View LP's November 18, 2008 Licence Amendment Request RTO Elimination Report (PDF)
The two days of meetings in Swan River included presentations from the Concerned Citizens of the Valley, nearby Reeves and Mayors, private citizens, local union representatives, a local forestry company, among others.
View 2009 CEC public meetings presentations and written submissions
For more background information,
Visit Environmental Assessment and Licensing Branch online registry for Louisiana-Pacific's Oriented Strandboard Plant Air Emissions proposal
Important issues raised during the hearings:
- narrowness of scope for the CEC's investigation
View the CEC Terms of Reference for its investigation into LP's air emissions (PDF)
- credibility of information provided by LP – in particular its study related to human health impacts, implementation of LP's monitoring program, and questionable handling of technical information provided by third party consultants
- LP's claims regarding reduced greenhouse gas emissions resulting from decommissioning of RTOs.
CEC Submissions
Written submissions regarding Louisiana-Pacific's Oriented Strandboard Plant Air Emissions proposal were accepted until September 1, 2009.
Download Manitoba Wildlands' September 1, 2009 comments on Louisiana-Pacific's Oriented Strandboard Plant Air Emissions proposal (PDF)
The final report from the CEC was due 90 days after the last date for written submissions, September 1 2009. But the CEC decided that it needed more information from LP before making any recommendations.
The CEC report on its investigation will include recommendations for the Minister of Conservation as to whether LP's request to permanently decommission the RTOs should be granted.
However, the CEC report also represents an opportunity for the CEC to recommend strengthening air emissions standards and to recommend companies be required to report publicly regarding operation of their emissions control equipment.
Public interest groups that participated in the CEC investigation hope the CEC uses the opportunity to recommend strengthening air emissions standards, keeping the RTOs in operation, and to recommend companies be required to report publicly regarding operation of their emissions control equipment.
Sources: Clean Environment Commission, Environmental Assessment and Licensing Branch, Manitoba Conservation
The Public Interest Law Centre (PILC) was retained by Concerned Citizens of the Swan Valley (a group of local citizens concerned about the decommissioning of the RTOs) and the Boreal Forest Network to provide an independent and evidence based assessment of the LP Swan Valley proposal. To assist PILC in fulfilling its mandate, three independent experts were retained: Dr. Gordon Brown; Mr. David Chadder; and, Dr. Charles Simon. The results were forwarded to the CEC September 8, 2009. The independent peer reviews of the LP health risk assessment, dispersion modelling and air quality monitoring demonstrated deficiencies in the material presented by LP.
Download PILC submission to CEC (PDF)
The CEC requested that LP submit health risk assessment modeling that conformed to Manitoba's Guidelines for Air Dispersion Modelling on October 8, 2009.
Download October 8, 2009 CEC letter to LP (PDF)
On April 30, 2010 LP submitted its updated report, Response to the Clean Environment Commission, and the report was posted on the CEC webpage on May 11, 2010.
Download April 30, 2010 LP report to the CEC (PDF)
The report showed that the previous data supplied by LP had been "inadvertently based on only one pair of dryers", and that acrolein emissions exceeded dispersion modeling guidelines.
In response to LP's April 2010 report the Concerned Citizen's of the Swan Valley submitted a written response to the CEC on August 13, 2010. The letter which further expressed doubt about the validity of the data provided by LP and the impact of decommissioning the RTOs.
Download Dan Soprovich Analysis (PDF)
Louisiana Pacific Plant Report Released
The Clean Environment Commission (CEC) has recommended that Manitoba Conservation issue an amended licence to the Louisiana Pacific oriented strand board (OSB) plant located in Swan Valley, Manitoba. The amendment would allow for the decommissioning of pollution control equipment, known as regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTOs).
"We accept the CEC's recommendation the plant be permanently granted an amended licence and Manitoba Conservation officials will be working to thoroughly review the recommendations as a part of the licensing process, " says Bill Blaikie, Minister of Conservation in Manitoba.
The CEC also recommends the new licence require additional air monitoring, a community-health study and a review of the mandate of the Community Liaison Committee. A decision on the licence will be concluded in the next few months.
"The commission has concluded that increased emissions associated with a decision to operate the plant as proposed would not present a significant risk to human or environmental health," said Edwin Yee, chair of the CEC Louisiana Pacific air emissions investigation.
Louisiana Pacific's Swan River plant is the only OSB plant in Canada which uses regenerative thermal oxidizers. Minister Stan Struthers approved shut down of the plant RTOs in early 2009. Due to reaction from the surrounding community, the minister requested the CEC conduct a review and make recommendations as to permanent shut down of the RTOs. During the CEC's 19-month review, the commission received 15 presentations and 17 written submissions from the public as part of the public consultation process.
View September 10, 2010 Manitoba Government press release
View September 10, 2010 RWDI Air Inc. Final Report (PDF)
View August 2010 CEC Final Report (PDF)
View Manitoba Wildlands web page on Louisiana Pacific
View July 20, 2009 Manitoba Wildlands News Item
Source: Manitoba Conservation
Download August 13, 2010 Concerned Citizens of the Swan Valley letter to CEC (PDF)
Download Review Process Statement (PDF)
Download Review of the OSB Industry in North America (PDF)
Download Summary of Emission Changes (PDF)
Download July 28, 2009 LP OSB Plant air Emissions Review Proceedings
Download July 29, 2009LP OSB Plant Air Emissions Review Proceedings
Download Presentations to CEC
Download HAP and PM Modelling Summary Report (PDF)
Download HAP and PM Risk Assessment (PDF)
Download NCASI Acrolein Study (PDF)
Download Licence Amendment Request RTO Elimination Cover Letter (PDF)
Download Licence Amendment Request RTO Elimination Report (PDF)
Hearing presentations and materials from community participants, not posted by the CEC or government below:
Download Request to Amend Air Emission Limits, RWDI Air Inc. (PDF)
Download Curriculum Vitae: Charles G. Simon, Ph.D. (PDF)
Download US Court orders Louisiana Pacific to clean up its act (PDF)
Download Recommedations to the CEC, Concerned Citizens of the Valley
Download Federal Register - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
Download Evidentiary Overview and Recommendations of the Public Interest Law Centre (PDF)
Download Comments on Louisiana Pacific Swan Valley, Manitoba oriented strandboard facility's proposal to permanently eliminate abatement of hazardous air pollutant and volatile organic compound emissions from flake dryers and the board press, Charles G. Simon, Ph.D. (PDF)
Download Peer Review of Reported Human Health Risks Associated with Louisiana Pacific (PDF)
Download Gordon L. Brown, Ph.D., P.Biol., QEP profile (PDF)
Download David S. Chadder, Hon. B.Sc., QEP profile (PDF)